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750 - 1000 wolves planned in Az; meeting planned this weekend

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The future of hunting in Arizona will soon be gone if Wolves are reintroduced to the current plan. There's environmentalist out there that don't like hunting at all, and they know they aren't going to take our guns to stop hunting.....so they might as well try another way. It all started in 1998 and was a plan to re-introduce a small amount of Wolves to see how they do. Of course they're going to do well with plenty of elk and deer to thrive on....and were not suppost to shoot them until our life is threatened! It's a long term plan for these groups to start with a small number of Wolves so basically the public gets used to them being part of the Wild. Then once we're used to their recovery they'll increase the population and expand throughout all of Arizona. After they get 1,000 Wolves, in a few years they'll be asking for 2,000. It's going to be like Idaho and Wyoming shortly if something is not done soon! I know Arizona has a dedicated group of Sportsman, maybe the strongest out West. I also feel that 99% of hunters do not want to see Wolves expand throughout Arizona and New Mexico! There has to be someway to combine our efforts as a group of hunters to fight against any Wolf introduction plan that ever hits Arizona!

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If its all just talk then why is the state hiring two new wildlife technicians for the mexican grey wolf program? Found the job postings on indeed yesterday. They already made up thier minds on this.

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My inlaws live in Alpine. They claim to have seen a wolf the length of a truck bed recently.

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If its all just talk then why is the state hiring two new wildlife technicians for the mexican grey wolf program? Found the job postings on indeed yesterday. They already made up thier minds on this.

Whats it pay? :lol:

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Grade 16 $27,111-$48,696. I was thinking about applying so I can move outta the valley but I have standards.

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Grade 16 $27,111-$48,696. I was thinking about applying so I can move outta the valley but I have standards.

Thanks for that info ctafoya. Was curious about the salary.

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Sucks to suck that's all I got to say about this whole situation.

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Guest wdenike

I guess I'm confused. Are we simply still confused as to just how hard we need to get on the trigger??? :blink:




Take care, Willie

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$60,000 dollar reward! Really? How good of friends do people have? How come nobody has ever been prosecuted? My understanding is that the USFWS knows that it would never hold up in court if DNA test results were shown. The genetics are muddled with domestic dog, all of the mexican wolves. The result would be admittance to what can now be dismissed as public speculation.

Took this picture off the sign in Williams Valley. Tears me up.



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83 "known" im not sure if thats both states or not. But the original stated goal was 100. They have animals in pens in mexico according to the cbd and sierra club, enugh to release what they want.

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