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first time mule deer hunt

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What units are best? If you're just looking to tag out, and don't necessarily want a monster, look at the G&F regs. At the end of the section for each specie, there are draw odds and success rates. Good place to start. If you are looking for a monster, I doubt anyone will provide that information!


Very few will tell you of a hot unit or hot spot, especially on a forum. Google is a powerful thing, and people posting up hot spots can turn them into heavily pressured spots or areas in a short time just by trying to do someone a favor and give them some info. Even PM's are dangerous, as you never know how close to the vest someone you don't know will keep the information you just gave them.


Look at the success rates for the units, then start the "couch scouting". Maps, G-earth, Google, etc. You can pick out some darn nice starting points before your boots ever hit the dirt. Look for places away from the roads where you can get up high, glass, and plan a stalk. Pick out a half dozen of those areas, glass in the morning, look for sign, walk down (or up) from where you're glassing and look for more sign. If that first spot is coming up empty, move on to the next one that night or the next morning. In short order you should have a few of your own honey holes.


Good point Daverp! Years ago I went on a buddies javalina hunt and they were told by someone to go to this secret spot, because the year before 8 people in their party all bagged out by day two and no one was back there. That year when we got there, there were maybe 10 camps and everyone we ran into herd the same story. I believe only one person bagged out.

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Ya'll bunch of jerks. Send him your maps, gps cords or anything else he needs to not have to do the one thing required to kill a deer....GET OUT IN THE WOODS!!!



BTW love the term "COUCH SCOUTER" tis' the season!!!

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I'll add one more thing to the list.


Once you have flipped your coin or thrown your dart and arrive out in that unit, dont write it off so quickly. Just because you dont see anything right away doesn't mean they are not there. Arizona is a tricky place and hides its animals well. Once you know what to look for you will see animals appearing out of nowhere. You have been given some freebies that I would recommend you capitalize on. Don't throw in the towel too early as that is what sets apart most of the successful hunters. All units mentioned match your description of what you are looking for. Now you just have to go get it. If you dont see anything in those units its because you quit looking.

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Good advice. I've got a couple of my favorite hot spots where you mostly will not see critters every day.


Reminds me of my elk hunt several years ago. Same "hot spot" my boy shot his elk from a few years earlier. I'd been scouting the week before the season, and saw elk almost every day. Opening morning comes, and a couple guys wound up on the hill about a half mile away overlooking the same area I was. Nothing showed opening morning. They never returned. Me? I sat that spot every morning of the season. And other than opening day, saw elk every single morning. Elk you could put a stalk on, or shoot from my glassing point. I was holding out for a 350 plus bull, passed on one that fit that criteria but had a broken 3rd, and had plenty of opportunities on nice bulls as well. Those guy's lack of patience, and lack of familiarity with the area they were glassing saved my honey hole that year!


Had the guys just walked the area a bit before the season, they'd have seen it was LOADED with fresh sign down below. Maybe they did, but they gave up far too fast on a fantastic spot.


The buck in my avatar....scouted him and his pals out for months. They only came into this area every 3rd day or so. Got there five days before the hunt. Sat that spot every morning. It was not until we'd been through 5 days scouting and the 3rd day of the hunt they finally showed up. Eight days. Closed the deal. Patience, and a knowledge of the location paid off, without a doubt.


That buck by the way... U10. One of the lowest density and lowest success rate deer units in AZ. Guess where I'm headed back to, deer tag in hand next Thursday night!!!

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I want to mention that pretty much everything I posted is already part of Arizona's published data. Heck, you've ended up getting more good advice than just about anybody posting that question at this forum since I have been lurking around it.

What everybody says is true about persistence is key. I hunted most my life in Montana, but I had a hard time seeing the deer in the desert when I moved to Arizona. I knew the deer were there and I knew I was just not seeing them.

I've have worn out three pairs of hunting boots and few pairs of light hikers in the few years I have been hunting here. These rocks chew right through leather and rubber. The truth is, I'll never get as good at this game as many of the folk here at Coues Whitetail. Some serious hunting knowledge and talent here.

My difficulty starts with the fact that it is hard for me to sit and glass for a long time. I have gotten better at seeing deer in the desert, but my biggest cause for increased deer sightings is due to the fact that I now live and hunt in the middle of the state where deer are easier to spot.

Yea, I thought I knew how to hunt. Arizona humbled me. I feel lucky to have been able to experience hunting here. The sense of discovery can be so strong that you can forget that you are hunting.

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Seems like your cup runneth over with possible locations so i'll throw a different type of nugget your way: looking back on my early fiascos as a bow hiker I think I really cost myself a lot of time trying to find that one magic spot that was full of so many deer that any fool could kill one. You dont need the worlds greatest honey hole, all you need is a decent amount that aren't over pressured. Id take a handful of easy deer over a battalion of well educated deer any day of the week. But I like venison a lot more than stories of the one that got a way, so take it for what its worth.

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Ps: detailed intimate knowledge of a decent spot will get you a lot further than a vaguely familiarity with two different units. Study the success rates x tag allotments in the regs, consider some of the advise you've been given, pick ONE area, and spend all your time there so you can figure out the good spots. Good luck!

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Not a thing wrong with asking for some guidance. That is what this forum is for. Nothing lazy about asking questions unless you are asking "Where do I go to kill one opening morning without breaking a sweat.....". PM sent.

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If you want to stay close to Phx, check out the White Tanks. It is rough going, but some big old deer. Also I have had luck in the past around Skull Valley and Kirkland Junction. Just get out there and spend some time in the field. Finding sheds can be a help.

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Study the regs cover to cover is a good start. Then go to the game and fish web site and read about every unit, especially the mule deer info and access section. Find a unit close to you and go hike, glass, and check for sign. Narrow it down to a couple zones or areas, double check the regs to see if and when they are open for the OTC hunt, then ask some more specific questions.

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