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Wage Increase Trickle Down

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The minimum wage is NOT intended to be a living wage. This is why where should be no minimum. Pay what the market will bear. The Government has no business dictating payment for goods or services.

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Back in the Jurassic Period, when I was pursuing a degree in business at the UA, one of the first things our Economics 101 professor stressed is that the marketpace (and not government) should set minimum wages.


Government mandates are inflationary and provide only temporary benefits to workers at the bottom of the heap, he said.


Well, you are seeing Stage One. Prices on everything are going up, raising the cost of living for everyone. (It trickles up and not down.)


Every foreman, supervisor, manager, middle-management executive, division director and CEO eventually will demand more money. Stage two comes when the higher cost of living puts the bottom-tier worker right back where he/she started.


What my professor did not say is that those of us who are retired and living on fixed incomes are left behind with each increase, and any assets we may have accumulated over a lifetime of working eventually are depleted.


If we are lucky, we will die before we are paupers.


--- Bill Quimby

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Cheap asz Employers. Man up and pay People. You want a cheap lunch but don't want to pay Your people. Look how much cars and houses have gone up in 40 years. Some things haven't. Like Furniture. Plants and Landscaping. (which I was in for 40 yeas almost and many other products. Your lunch goes up a $ and everybody complains. Truckers wages which I am in now in My older age hasn't gone up a Damm in the 6 years I been in it.bit. Nobody wants the lower class folks to make any $. Just the Buss. owners who are worth Millions do the complaining. Thats Why I got out of Buss. & years ago. If You can't make it Quit. We all can't be rich..............Bitch me out I don't care.There are a lot of products that don't cost much more than they did 30 years ago.....

Bob, i usually enjoy your posts, but this one is a real headscratcher. this has nothing to do with people being "cheap". it doesn't matter if you make $100 and hour or $10 an hour, that dollar bill you have in your pocket is now worth about 80 cents as of a few weeks ago. the people that have worked their way up the food chain to earn a decent living are now going to make just a few bucks more an hour than a burger flipping high school kid. I started climbing 500' towers in 120 degree weather and -40 with blowing snow and wind for $12 an hour about 11 years ago, which i thought was actually decent wages, and it has now secured a a good CAREER. after the minimum wage law is in full effect, nobody will be motivated to learn a trade when they can do a mindless BS job for the same pay. thousands of people are going to lose their jobs over this. all this does is lower the value of YOUR hard earned money and gives losers with no direction in life more money at your expense.

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The minimum wage increase in Az, is a state bill, and not a Federal mandate. It could be overturned, albeit, with a lot of effort to get the signatures.


Tomas Robles is the instigator of prop 206. A Democrat activist for the Latino community. He is also fighting against deportations.

Edited by Snapshot

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Don't hold your breath that Arizona's new minimum wage will be rescinded. It was passed by voters, not the Legislature, and will have to go back to voters to overturn it. That won't happen until the First of Never.


Bill Quimby

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When you consider all the kids workin the counters at McDonalds and grocery stores etc you know a great deal of the, will end up losing there jobs. We will now see a big time spike in unemployment at the taxpayers expense. This increase will really hurt a lot of mom n pop operations, not to mention all the sneaky back door rules they snuck in on this one. Now ALL employees will be entitled to paid sick leave and it has to be calculated as you go throughout the year. This is above the average person doing there own payroll and even above most local payroll companies just to keep track of all this new crazy crap.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of fast places go to an automated ordering system like you see at quick trip. Eliminate the five kids taking orders and have just one to hand them there food. I think it's Chick filet already has an app where you can order your food off your phone and just go pick it up.

I believe that Employers can count sick time as Vacation time. People should have read the fine print before voting for all this crap. If someone wants to make more money, or have more time off then go start your own business. Then you can pay yourself what you think you deserve and call in sick or take time off whenever you want. But to think it's your right that an Employer should have to pay you for not working is stupid. Now I do think if an Employer offers sick time and vacation time it would be beneficial as far as company moral goes, but to make them do it is wrong. This is still America where you are free to do and work where you please.

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If the lower class wants to make more money perhaps they should work hard, learn a skill and get a better job. Quit smoking the dope, put the beer bottle down and apply themselves. There are plenty of good paying jobs around that don't require a college education, just a good work ethic, and a clean piss test. Both of which, unfortunately, is hard to come by these days. Not all business owners are millionaires either, A lot of them struggle to keep the lights on just like the rest of us. Small business owners are probably the hardest working people on the planet, they don't have sick days or weekends its full time all the time and that's what it takes to fulfill the American Dream. Every big business out there started out as a small business and through hard work and smart business practices were able to be successful and grow and make money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. No, we can't all be rich but we can all work hard for an honest wage and most of the time that requires starting at the bottom making minimum wage and working our way up to that. The problem today is everyone feels entitled to a wage that provides a comfortable living without having to work for it.


Nuff said!!

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Cheap asz Employers. Man up and pay People. You want a cheap lunch but don't want to pay Your people. Look how much cars and houses have gone up in 40 years. Some things haven't. Like Furniture. Plants and Landscaping. (which I was in for 40 yeas almost and many other products. Your lunch goes up a $ and everybody complains. Truckers wages which I am in now in My older age hasn't gone up a Damm in the 6 years I been in it.bit. Nobody wants the lower class folks to make any $. Just the Buss. owners who are worth Millions do the complaining. Thats Why I got out of Buss. & years ago. If You can't make it Quit. We all can't be rich..............Bitch me out I don't care.There are a lot of products that don't cost much more than they did 30 years ago................BOB!

Any small business owner, that is still in business after the last 8 years, has manned up. As far as landscaping goes Roberto took that over.
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Bob, are you still sore that Bernie didnt win? Not all business owners are millionaires, but arguably ALL took a huge risk at some point. And as 5 guys posted above, 8 years ago many of us had to dig in all over again to just hang on and survive.


This sense of entitlement will be the demise of our country. I for one am proud to be a "deplorable angry white male" having been categorized by both Clintons. Eight years of attempts to turn our nation into one of a socialist economy has worn thin.

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Hey ,I grew up poor back east in the ghetto. Moved here in 77 . Worked azzs off digging holes as the only white with all Mexicans. Within 10-11 years Got licsenced bonded and insured Landscape contractor. Made a great living for 20 years. No one ever handed Me nothing unlike probly half of You on here. I only Scaped new Homes. When they quit building, I was done. No $ in Maintanance as every Julio does it out of the back of there truck. I tried to hang on for 3 years. Used my house for $ to keep going. Eventually doing a short sale. At 60 I can not do labor. when I was 55 got CDL and moved oilfield in N. Dakota. Tore My shoulder apart Pulling hoses loading Oil. on the ice. After 10 months rehab, got fired. Thats big companies for Ya. A lot of You who have cushy jobs now with Big companies will get Screwed eventually so save your $. Ive seen it happen over and over again the last 30+ years to friends and Family members. If You don't pay People they will suck off the Goverment which You will pay more taxes. Some of You Wealthy or Educated people think You know It all cause You aint never had it hard. Your Day will come. Trust Me. Not every one but many of You. The bone head that said I sound like Bernie, I never listened to Him once ,so don't Speak about what You don't know. Am I Bitter losing 2 Houses ,Land in N. Mexico. Most of what I owned twice. Ya. but took up a New job Trucking and moving on again. I might be that 70 year old working at circle K in 10 Years thats Y I am for it. People with $ don't care about the poor and just think that they never tried. Many Have. And I am no a Democrat either by the way. Many of You are not as Smart as You think You are,( including ME LOL). You just listen to too much Rush Limbaugh. I do too for comedy Hour. And I am not writing this Drunk as most would think at this Hour. I just got Home from working 15 hours. Most rich folks wouldn't Comprehend that . I'm ranting. I know You Guys don't agree with Me but I could care less. Opinions are like Aholes ,Everybody has one. Hope We all can Make some Money AMEN , God Bless............BOB!

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Visited my favorite Asian greasy spoon Sunday after church. Took the family and in-laws too recalling their prices were reasonable.


Well, the new menu was my first clue changes were afoot. Prices were up 25%, mirroring the wage increase.


I can't believe we allow such a proposition on the ballot. It's socialism gone amuck. Where will it end? Maybe you'll see $20 per hour or more on the ballot next time.


Won't be eating out again for awhile, a picnic is far more affordable.


Naturebob, when you were landscaping, you would have agreed with the gov demanding your employees get raises rather than when you felt they had earned it?

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