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Taking a Knee...

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It has existed since the beginning of time (not JJ's Nip LOL) and will be here long after millenia of our prodigy are fossilized. It's human nature, familiarity brings composure and acceptance.

But that is on a personal level. Hollywood Sci Fi would have us believe that it is inevitable we evolve past being judgemental. Will people always blame their short comings on others of different ethnicities? Some will, if they get comfort in it and can get some attention.

Nobody is exempt from these feelings but if you can find it withing yourself to come to terms with it and take the extra step to walk a mile in someoneelses shoes then that is a start.

America is racially divided, and probably will always be for those who aren't white. The struggle is very real. For a white parent there is only the discussion with your kids about the usual stuff. Don't argue with the police and be respectful and it may go well.

If you are black or brown it's a whole different talk. You hear it from the time you learn to walk, what to do because you are immediately looked upon as a risk/potential threat. Public Enemy No 1. Just the reality of where we are at today.

Is it getting better for them, yup. I am 65 years old and have seen a lot of things we take for granted unfold. Rosa Parks, MLK, The Little Rock9, Freedom Riders. I have a huge problem with the way people are treated. Eric Garner, choked to death for selling cigarettes. Choke hold that was already departmental banned. 12 year old kid playing with a toy gun darn near run down then shot to death in a playground. It goes on and on. NFL players taking a knee "during" the NA as far as I'm concerned isn't the stage to make a point. But I can feel their frustration as America doesn't seem to be paying attention under Bush, Obama or Trump. I don't have any answers. They brought it to the forefront and hit a nerve, words and ideals have been exchanged. Maybe something positive will come out of it in the long run but people are choosing sides and digging in their heals which is counter productive.

It's easier to get into college if you're not white, you're more likely to get shot by police if you are white.

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It has existed since the beginning of time (not JJ's Nip LOL) and will be here long after millenia of our prodigy are fossilized. It's human nature, familiarity brings composure and acceptance.

But that is on a personal level. Hollywood Sci Fi would have us believe that it is inevitable we evolve past being judgemental. Will people always blame their short comings on others of different ethnicities? Some will, if they get comfort in it and can get some attention.

Nobody is exempt from these feelings but if you can find it withing yourself to come to terms with it and take the extra step to walk a mile in someoneelses shoes then that is a start.

America is racially divided, and probably will always be for those who aren't white. The struggle is very real. For a white parent there is only the discussion with your kids about the usual stuff. Don't argue with the police and be respectful and it may go well.

If you are black or brown it's a whole different talk. You hear it from the time you learn to walk, what to do because you are immediately looked upon as a risk/potential threat. Public Enemy No 1. Just the reality of where we are at today.

Is it getting better for them, yup. I am 65 years old and have seen a lot of things we take for granted unfold. Rosa Parks, MLK, The Little Rock9, Freedom Riders. I have a huge problem with the way people are treated. Eric Garner, choked to death for selling cigarettes. Choke hold that was already departmental banned. 12 year old kid playing with a toy gun darn near run down then shot to death in a playground. It goes on and on. NFL players taking a knee "during" the NA as far as I'm concerned isn't the stage to make a point. But I can feel their frustration as America doesn't seem to be paying attention under Bush, Obama or Trump. I don't have any answers. They brought it to the forefront and hit a nerve, words and ideals have been exchanged. Maybe something positive will come out of it in the long run but people are choosing sides and digging in their heals which is counter productive.

It's easier to get into college if you're not white, you're more likely to get shot by police if you are white.
as bad as certain folk make it sound, it's way if your not white! Hiring rules preclude qualifications and go to the "race part of the resume/application" Bad but true.

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When I was raised, my father taught me not once, never ever even once, to miss standing facing the flag with my hand over my heart and hat off my head, in respect to the pledge of allegiance or National Anthem and the colors on that flag, the red stripes which stand for the blood of the soldiers shed protecting our freedom.


Free speech on their own time. When you are standing in front of a lot of people it's time for you to respect the flag and what this country stands for and be an example for everyone, kids included.


If I ever, ever, ever, did not respect that flag, my dad rightly so would have knocked me one. And when I was growing up in those early years getting distracted, I'd feel a gentle disciplining but serious nudge and would understand immediately, that my dad was not joking around. It helped me truly understand what others did for us in this country to pay freedom's ultimate price. It makes me wonder who these grown mens' supposed parents are and how they were taught.


It's a shame these expensively paid players who have a dream job compared to us most, cannot stand up as an example of what America means to them and the world. I'd like to seen them go to any other country and spend some time there living like others who don't have what we have. And see them come back and see if they get their sudden respect for the flag back.



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Cancelled the NFL Ticket last night. All of my NFL gear is in the trash. Direct TV will be cancelled as soon as I get my firestick. I've had enough with the NFL being NFG!

Just seen somewhere that DTV is giving refunds for NFL tickets due to the protests


Cancelled my nfl ticket yesterday, I've had it for the last 16 yrs,

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I heard on the news today that an American Legion Post was going to have an NFL gear burn and were asking for participants to bring all their gear in for the event.

I haven't been able to track the story down but think I might whisper in the ear of a local chapter to follow suit!!!

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I heard on the news today that an American Legion Post was going to have an NFL gear burn and were asking for participants to bring all their gear in for the event.

I haven't been able to track the story down but think I might whisper in the ear of a local chapter to follow suit!!!

Thanks - because we need to get there soon, and not much time. I do not want to burn their gear or give up on NFL yet. But they don't have much time to admit the stupid mistake they have made. They made a very stupid decision. Even the smartest people make dumb mistakes they need to recover from. But if they do not reverse it very soon and stand behind the flag - yeah - I will give up one of my favorite sports, they better sort it out.


I love my country and I love football. But these celebrity million dollar players better not make me choose when Tillman made the ultimate sacrifice. They will lose.


What in the heck is going on here? We got a mad North Korean dictator pointing nuclear missiles at the U.S. (intelligence info...what do we know and don't know? Good question) and blatantly telling the world he wants to kill innocent civilans, and there are people in America saying they support Kim Jong Un more than Trump and even more importantly so, America...? These people couldn't contemplate or even hack what Otto Warmbier went through, saddest thing, totally clueless.


People can be pissed at Trump...but standing in respect to the flag and National Anthem, and people are letting Trump get in the way of that? That's very sad. Unity and Nationalism (America, hello!?) are more important. Global culture is of course amazing. Who doesn't love food from around the world? But we are America...we hunt, we fish, we shoot, we stand up to our government...if these other people want their laws they are accustomed to, go back home. If you are gonna live here, understand what American freedom is, and respect people's choices and values, even if it isn't your own, or go back home if those are the values you want b/c you don't understand freedom.


Respect for our country and our history...don't forget


if you want internationalism...go to Europe. Cool fun place, but it isn't America, and we aren't the same...if that is what people want...go to Europe


If there are certain freedom and anti-gun laws you want, what are you doing here and trying to bring your country's laws here for? Go back home. Learn what it is to be American if you want to stay here. Don't bring your bs government here, our government is bs enough as it is and we need to keep it small to prevent as much bs as we can. If you want freedom in your own form, be an example to your own country and lead the sacrifices and revolution needed in your country to be like what we have here, but with your own values. Don't bring your values here and try to rid of ours unless you understand what being an American really means.


I have some great friends coming to visit the USA from a close ally of ours from outside the country, and I was going to go to a game with them. If this is not sorted out, then I am not going to the game, and then whose game is it? Might as well be theirs! 5 non-Americans attending the game and a sole American, not willing to attend the game b/c of this bs. Very sad, because they are close friends! But very sadly it might as well be their game. Who owns this country any more? It is not the natives and those seeking religious freedom, if this b.s. continues.


Take back your part of America people. Don't let others take it from us. Wake up.


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If you live and get paid in this great country of ours then you respect our flag. If not go back to your own dam country and play for them!!!!! I think it's the most disrespectful thing you can do.

Couldnt agree with statement more! Anyone else notice that the athletes that pull this crap dont build their mansions where they grew up?

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