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pretty brave to keep all that in a garage


sorry u were ripped off but way to easy seeing things in a garage even left open movin things in and out of a vechile


I suspect a neighbor hood person


hate to say friends of family BUT THATS A LOTOF $$$$ STUFF

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Sucks. Just recently I had my porta-band saw and welder stolen out of my vehicle. Luckily they were Harbor Freight just for use around the house, but it still pissed me off and made me want to kill somebody. Hope you get your stuff back. Game cameras are now around the house instead of the woods as I think it was the tweaker in the neighborhood.

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Why would you leave things of that value in the garage?


because its the garage of his house.

And the poor guy is now out thousands of dollars in gear which is a horrible feeling. I had my house broken into and it's not a good feeling. I don't even leave that stuff out in my house anymore. It's straight to the safe. I hope the bastards are caught.

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Blaming the victims doesnt help anything. My house has been broken into also, got my bow stolen. if I felt I needed to lock everything of value up in my home And not be able to put anything in my garage I think I would move.

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Why would you leave things of that value in the garage?


because its the garage of his house.

Exactly!!! If i couldn't leave things in my garage, i would need a 1500sq ft safe.
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Nothing is safe guys ever. My neighbor showed me a video of someone rummaging thru his truck at 11pm and when guy didn't find anything to steal he took a business card and left. So goods or not they will take anything just to say they did.


My truck was robbed while I was packing it few years back and fortunately he was caught same night and since he had multiple priors he is now doing 5-7 years in prison. I did not know that a item in your vehicle or evenin bed of truck if taken is a felony. 👍👍 I think if y'all knew who this was and that he is not a dumby and is outdoors quite a bit you would understand it just happened period the end. I do hope he gets his gear back and the people who did it get served helping of justice.

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Wasn't my gear fortunately and most of the time his stuff is either in his safe or inside his house, but the one time it wasn't and boom. This was north Phoenix near 35th and deer valley.

Same neighborhood I know lady who pulled up to her house and blocked a van in that was filling up van (stolen of course) full of things from her house. This was 10-15 years back. Hey man I like waffle house but ya know neighborhoods near 1 are in danger. ;)


Hope J.P. get his gear back.

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Circle k is my wife's reason to not live in a hood...

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Is your buddy checking any of these offer up ads?


Hope he gets his stuff back

This 1 was the golden ticket so let's hope everything works out well today and the seller wins his vacation.

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