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Is it a tough archery pig season?

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My experience with calls is mixed. From my experience, if they are spooked and they know danger is present, don't waste your time as they will only run away faster. If they suspect something is not quite right they will stop and look/listen but will usually keep going. My best luck is when I locate them, get within 200-300 yards and then start blowing when they are undisturbed. They will come in on a string as long as you continue to blow. As soon as you stop blowing they stop. Start blowing and they will continue to come in. At least this has been my experience.


I have a 21 HAM hunt that I will most likely be hunting with a bow so I'm on the sidelines right now living through all your stories.


Good Luck

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What a difference a year makes. Last year there was water everywhere. This year scary dry. On Monday had the place to myself, the pigs finally came out about 930a and glassed them up. During my stalk a truck comes down the road when I'm at 50 yards. Pigs become skittish and head up and over the ridge. Just my luck. Oh well, gotta keep pluggin away.......

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Anyone tried a javelin call yet, just order one

Yea and they almost ate me. I had my 10 year old with so I was doing the calling, he was doing the shooting. Came in to the feet and had to swing my bow at one to fend it off. Pretty western..... could have been real ugly but was an awesome first experience with javis for my boy.


On the contrary, had two different herds that did the opposite from the first experience. It doesn't always work. Seems like if they've been messed with at all in the recent past, it can factor in and send them running. Good luck and hopefully they don't eat you. Haha.

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It was $33.90 from allpredatorcalls.com its the javelina hunter j-13 deluxe $25.95 + shipping

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Anyone got some GPS coordinates for youth 22 piggy, pm me I hate hunting stink pigs but got a buddies kid drawn no I have to perform. thx

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Anyone tried a javelin call yet, just order one

Yea and they almost ate me. I had my 10 year old with so I was doing the calling, he was doing the shooting. Came in to the feet and had to swing my bow at one to fend it off. Pretty western..... could have been real ugly but was an awesome first experience with javis for my boy.


On the contrary, had two different herds that did the opposite from the first experience. It doesn't always work. Seems like if they've been messed with at all in the recent past, it can factor in and send them running. Good luck and hopefully they don't eat you. Haha.


Post up the video Jeff! Maybe edit out the profanity after you threw your camera at them :)

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