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ok you morons, listen up. this weekend, instead of enjoying a nice trip to the mountains to blast turkeys, catch trout and get this stale flatland air outta my lungs, i get to bury a real good friend. i know he didn't plan it that way and i'm a lot more upset about him dieing than i am about missing a day or so of turkey season. he was 58. good guy, hard worker, cared deeply for family and friends. just a real good all around dude. he also smoked and ended up with lung cancer that did like it always does and went to his brain, stomach, hips, legs and bone marrow. he knew he should quit. talked about it a lot. in fact, just before xmas i picked him up and we went to lunch at our favorite place and he was proud as heck that he hadn't had a smoke for over 2 weeks. about mid january he got sick and went to the dr and got the long face. the thing that bugged him most wasn't the fact that this illness was self induced and what it was doing to him, but the thought of what his family was going through with him being so ill and with the emminent fact of his death. bugged him bad that he didn't take better care of hisself for his family. anyway, just want to tell you guys that if you smoke or chew tobacoo you need to get somebody to kick ya in the nuts everyday until ya get smart and quit. and if ya know somebody that does then you kick em in the nuts every time ya see em until they quit. i don't care how screwed up you are, there are a lotta folks that depend on you and need you in their lives. and they will be devastated if you croak. look at any package with tobacco in it. it says right on the package that it will kill you. i've seen a lotta friends and family go through some horrible crap because of tobacco. don't be one of em. if ya don't use tobacco, don't start. if ya do, get nut kicked until ya quit. and for heck's sakes don't start up skoal or some other crap to quit smokin'. chunk them smokes in the trash and just quit. i know that none of ya want your kids to grow up to be smokers or wormdirt dippers so don't give an example to follow. that's my rant for this week. like mr mackey says, "smokin' is baaad, mmkay". Lark.

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I don't see eye to eye with you very often but I agree with you totally here. Good job! I finally had to take Chantix to kick the habit after 28 years. I figured the tobacco companies used drugs to keep me hooked maybe I should try a drug to beat it. Best thing I ever did for me and mine. Haven't smoked since January 1st, 2010. I do worry about the damage I might have already done but smoking was only going to make things worse. Hopeful that I will be able to hike those whitetails hills a lot longer now and enjoy my family longer. KUDOS to everyone that has quit.


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Great post! I read it and went back and spoke to my Billing Manager and would not leave until I go a quit date from her. I offered to write for Chantix, pay for it...but long story short, she has set a date to quit! I didn't even have to kick her in the nuts! Sorry about your loss, but thanks again for the post.



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It's never too late to quit! Do yourself and your family a favor and do whatever you can to stay healthy as long as you can. If not for yourself, then do it for them. Both my parents smoked and I suffered severely with asthma as a result. So, it's not just your own health that suffers.



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Quit smoking date 1/8/2010 Time passed 15 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes, 8 seconds



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Per Day Per Week 2,079


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Yep! Guilty. have been for 30 years.


But I ain't worried about family. Don't have much.


death ain't so scary when you don't have much to leave behind ;)






Sorry to hear about your friend. God Bless!

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Thank you! I just emailed this thread to my 20 year old son! It disappoints me to no end that he smokes, I watched his Grandfather die of lung cancer... He never got to meet his grandfather, he was an amazing man! My father-in-law never got to meet my son, he's an amazing son!!!

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Sorry about your loss Lark.

I quit chewing last July after about 20yrs. The best part is it seemed to get the ball rolling in our family. Since I quit my wife has quit smoking! My sister has quit smoking and my brother in-law has started on quiting chewing as we speak! I know I'm done for good I just hope everyone else can keep it up and I think they can.

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Both my parents smoked and I suffered severely with asthma as a result.



I had the same problem. At 50, I still have issues from it!


All you people who smoke, send those smokes to Obama. We'll solve two problems at once!



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Looking back over the past few years, there have been darned few things I've disagreed with Lark about. As for this thread, I couldn't agree more.


I smoked cigarettes from age 14 to 66 -- 52 years -- despite a variety of heart problems that began in my mid-30s. I was up to three packs a day when I had a heart attack that darned near killed me on October 7, 2002.


Thank God that I was in Tucson Heart Hospital with minor chest pains when the big one struck. In just 12 minutes, a surgical team already prepped to give someone else an angioplasty, opened the main artery feeding my heart and inserted a stent that got me breathing again. They said the artery (they called it "the Widow-Maker") was 100% blocked.


Although I haven't smoked a cigarette since that day, my tobacco-caused health problems haven't gone away.


I now have a pacemaker and take a gob of pills daily in an unsuccessful attempt to control my chronic atrial fibrillation. Even mild exercise is out. Walking more than 50-75 yards without stopping to breathe is difficult. I'm scheduled to see my cardiologist next month to talk about another laser procedure, and that's not all but I won't bore you with it ...


The point is, throw those cigarettes away if you smoke. If I can quit, anyone can.


I just wish I'd quit thirty or forty years earlier.


Bill Quimby


Now, if Lark would just capitalize his sentences and use more short, easier-to-read paragraphs in his posts, all would be right with the world. :P

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Its kind of ironic that you posted this Lark. Myself along with 2 friends agreed last week to all quit chewing together. We all have been chewing for at least 3 years and adding up we were spending was a big reason for quiting, but know what can happen long term was the biggest reason. Thanks for bringing us all back to earth Lark.

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it ain't ironic, it's prophetic. good luck on your quest to quit. hang on tight and you'll make it fine. there ain't nothin' i like better than a smoke. well, except livin'. i like livin' better than smokin'. so i don't smoke. it's just a real slow way of committing suicide. i have a good friend who has to turn off his oxygen machine to have a smoke. he's younger than me. it just don't make sense. there's lotsa things that ain't good for ya. tobacco is flat out bad for ya. outside of wormin' a hound, there ain't anything good about it. everytime you use tobacco you take time off the other end of your life. and remember, i'm the smartest guy there is. Lark.

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it ain't ironic, it's prophetic. good luck on your quest to quit. hang on tight and you'll make it fine. there ain't nothin' i like better than a smoke. well, except livin'. i like livin' better than smokin'. so i don't smoke. it's just a real slow way of committing suicide. i have a good friend who has to turn off his oxygen machine to have a smoke. he's younger than me. it just don't make sense. there's lotsa things that ain't good for ya. tobacco is flat out bad for ya. outside of wormin' a hound, there ain't anything good about it. everytime you use tobacco you take time off the other end of your life. and remember, i'm the smartest guy there is. Lark.


.270 ain't good either. :P


In all seriousness i quit smoking almost 2 years ago and have not even wanted to pick one back up and don't even miss it BUT the way I quit was chewing I know I know.......I will quit hopefully sooner than later. Let me tell you it is not that you are addicted to anything it is that you want to do it and if you SERIOUSLY want to quit you can and you can do it cold turkey. TRUST me I use to be an Alcholic, HARD core drug user and dealer, and lots of other serious crap and I stopped them ALL cold turkey. Now I know if I can do it anyone can. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. ;)

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