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Bryson Bendall

Bendall Boys Bonanza!

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This year’s rifle hunt really started off well for the Bendall boys. My two little brothers, Brady (16) and Brooks (12) drew tags for the early youth hunt and were both very stoked to get out. I think the only people more excited were my dad and me! I am in my last semester at ASU and by the time October had come around I was needing to get away from the phoenix valley and away from school for some outdoor therapy. I think you know the itch I am talking about.


My dad and I pride ourselves on the fact that we hunt HARD. Hard enough that we can get away from other hunters and see lots of deer, and quality bucks. Well, this season was no exception. We woke up each morning at 3:30, got out the door by 4:00, arrived at our area by 5:00, and hiked into what we have deemed as “the honey hole” by sun up (I’m sure everyone has deemed atleast one spot the honey hole before in their hunting career).We saw deer from sun up to sun down each day we were hunting and saw 0 hunters in the woods! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate hunters… but there is just something about hunting away from crowds that I have come to love… it’s hard to explain. Here is the story… its long, because I want to keep it as a journal, so you can skip through it if you want.. Day two had all of the action, so start there. But boy was it a blast!


On day one, my dad and brooks started on one side of the ridge and Brady and I on the other. The wind was howling but we were still seeing deer, although, they seemed skittish and tense. Brooks got on a spike early but couldn’t get a shot. We regrouped at about 10 and scanned the area. We fell for the “hmmm, I wonder what is on the other side of that ridge” trick and ended up going on a nice long hike. The way the ridge was situated and the wind was blowing made for a disaster of a hike. Every saddle we got to we spooked more deer off the mountain, and they all seemed to be bucks! We reached the fourth or fifth one at about three in the afternoon and saw a nice, 90+ incher edging over the ridge in front of us and it was off to the races. Brady and I tried to circle in front of this buck and ended up seeing him again, but just in time for him to edge over one more ridge… which was not in the direction of the truck. Seeing an opportunity for another day, we turned and headed back the way we needed to go. My dad and Brooks angled back toward the ridge we started on in the morning, and would see several more does by the time they met us back at the truck. Brady and I on the other hand, took a little longer route and were glad we did. About a half a mile from the ridge with the big buck, we set up for some glassing and immediately, Brady spotted a deer… “Bryson, I got a deer, … and another deer… and another dee… THERE ARE A TON OF DEER ON THAT RIDGE!”. Sure enough, there were 12 deer and at least 6 of them were bucks. They were perfectly set up for us for a stalk so we shot off. By the time we reached the next ridge, they had tipped over the other side. We followed, but couldn’t find them again. We worked our way closer to the truck and spooked a little fork (remember this buck!!) and a few more does, but didn’t end up getting any shots. We all met back at the truck, and after tallying up the day, had seen 55 deer and at least 15 different bucks… a great way to start off the season!


Day two was even more eventful, and the wind had died considerably. Again, we split up and Brady and I were surprised to hear 3 shots at about 7:00 am. My dad texted me… “just missed a toad!” Turns out, my dad spotted the biggest two point I have ever heard of early at about 200 yards. I did not ever see this deer but my dad said he had mass, tine length and width, a mature buck that would turn out to be the invincible buck as I will discuss later. Trying not to rile up Brooks, he said, “its just a fork”. A sever case of buck fever, and three misses later, the buck was out of sight and range. I had spotted several spikes by about 9:00 am so we regrouped and decided to go after them. We got set up on one of them by about noon, but the wind swirled and sent him and a few does over the ridge before a shot presented. It was time to find some more deer, so, we hiked another ridge (by now I was thinking this was the story of my life!) and were about to set up to glass when my dad caught movement at about 200 yards. Three bucks had just made their way over one ridge in front of us for just enough time for us to spot them and then headed through another saddle. One was nice. Again, Brady and I took off with Brooks close behind. We eased over the crest of the hill to find a 90 inch buck, a 70 inch basket rack and a fork bedded down in the canyon not more than 150 yards from us… sitting bucks. We set up and decided to wait them out. I was able to get Brooks set up and I could not help but think, “we are gonna get a double tonight!” We could see all three deer when we first set up, but the bigger buck had laid down and was now out of sight. Brady decided to move about 20 yards to his right, and I told him to be patient and wait. Forgetting that I had been hunting a lot longer than he had, he didn’t listen and moved anyway. Suddenly all three deer flagged and trotted out of their beds, stopped at 200 yards and posed…No way, did they just stop… BOOM! Three, clean misses by Brady, and one clean miss by Brooks… Needless to say, the deer were now in another county, and we had two, very humbled junior hunters on our hands. But gosh were we having fun!!! We eased over the ridge from which we had just come and decided to head back toward the truck, and to a final glassing point as it was about 5:00pm…


This hunt could have ended right here and I can honestly say I would have been totally happy and content with the experience! We had seen another 55 deer on day two, with plenty of good bucks, and these boys had learned some valuable lessons about hunting and about life, such as the value of sacrifice, hard work, and patience. We were blessed with an opportunity to enjoy God’s beautiful earth, his majestic animals, and create memories that I know we will never forget. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have slept well that night, had this been the end of our hunt…


We eased over one more ridge, and caught movement underneath us. Mechanically, my swaro’s hit my eyes and I saw horns “It’s a buck!” Brady and I had spooked this same little fork the night before… Brady and Brooks hit the ground, extended the legs on their bipods and set up. Brady got the deer in his scope first, but opted to let his little brother have this shot. The buck went into the bottom and onto the middle of the next hill. He stopped long enough for Brooks to get him in the scope, then turned to make his last few strides. Brooks squeezed the trigger and we watched as the bullet entered the chest of the buck. “Wooo!!!!” “Sexy shot” “Stud!” I think were the words we shouted. It was a perfect shot, and the deer did not take another step.


Standing over this trophy, harvested by one happy kid, will be a memory that will last with me a life time. Dad got to watch as I gutted him, Brady threw him on his shoulders and packed him out, and Brooks smiled the whole way back to the truck… And he got to drive us all home in his brand new Tacoma. He was one proud Dad!


I had to head back home with my wife and new baby girl to get back to schoolwork and other commitments. But Brady and my Dad were able to get out Thursday. Same story, they set up early and spotted a nice three point first thing. After a blown stalk, my Dad spotted the monster two point again. I sat in immunology class getting updates through the whole stalk… It was brutal! Brady and my dad got set up on a point overlooking the area they thought the bucks had bedded in. Catching movement, they found the big boy and watched as he bedded… 139 yards from them. Brady was set up, rock hard rest, and the deer stepped out after catching a wiff of my brother’s stinky butt when the wind swirled. Click! Misfire…! He chambered another round… Click! Misfire number two… they watched as the invincible buck and his two compadres cruised over the ridge out of site. This gun, a 243 Browning A Bolt had, to that day, never misfired a shot…Never! They looked at the two primers on the bullets and saw small nicks where the firing pin had somehow been held back. He re-chambered the rounds (which I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to do), pointed at the opposite side of the canyon and fired the two off perfectly. Then, he chambered and fired three more rounds, without a single problem… Call it what you want but this deer has angels looking out for him! He must have hit up midnight mass before his morning graze, or maybe he went to confession last week or something… I do not know, but whatever he did, it worked. I hope that he is around next year, because you can guarantee that we will be waiting for him in the honey hole… and we’ve been going to church too!

Again, thanks for reading. My dad has a hunt in December in a different area which we are ready for next, and I expect to make more memories like these then.



A spike and a doe that I caught through my spotting scope on the second morning



Right after Brooks put the smack down on his buck, we sat down and took a picture. I figured we couldn't get any ugglyer...



...Guess I was wrong

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Congrats Bryson and good job on the write up!

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Great story! A huge congrats is in order for all of you! Hunting is fun but hunting with family; moreover, young hunters makes it truely special!

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Great story and pics!

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Very nice! Congrats. Way to get out there and work hard, great family memories!!!

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Nice job getting those boys our there! Hunting hard each day, and seeing so many deer - and doing it as a family - that's great stuff right there. Huge congrats to Brooks. Thanks for taking the time to write it all up for us.

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Congratulations to Brooks on a fine trophy. Sounds like everyone had a great time with lots of action. If I was ever in trouble and needed backup I would certainly call on you guys. ;) I don't know anyone who would stand up to the likes of this bunch. lol :)



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