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3a/3c got it done with two days to spare

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It all started when I found out I drew 3a/3c early archery bull tag and that my dad(78) and my son(13) drew 6a early archery bull. Sounds like a great problem to have but I wasn't sure how we were going to make it happen. Not ever hunting in 3a/3c and having decent knowledge of 6a having helped on a few successful bull hunts and taking my first bull there I decided to spend most of my scouting time in 3a/3c. First we put in for the archery tag and got it. With a few scouting trips before the deer hunt and the three weekends of the deer hunt we had located some elk but not any mature bulls. My dad, son and Iweren't able to take a deer but my friend Ronnie did take his first archery deer.


We decide to hunt in 6a for the first four days. We were glad to have my friend Rito come with us to help. The hunting was slow and hunters everywhere we went, we had some close calls but nothing close enough to get any shots. With my son having to return to school and my dad to work, Rito and I headed to start my hunt. I was lucky enough to have not only one friend to help but another friend Jesse came up and we met up on Tuesday afternoon. The weather was hot and and the hunting slow but we located a bachelor group of bulls(360 and 340 class) that where held up in a nasty wash. After trying to get on these bulls for a couple of days but not wanting blow them out we tried some different areas. All the elk that we were getting into were small 6x6 and they were with the cows, had a few shots but passed still thinking of the bull in the wash. We bounced back and fourth only getting glimpses of the big bull right at dark. Friday came and Rito went back to 6a to help my dad and son, and Jesse and I went to a different area. That night we glassed up a mature bull but he was far and we didn't get a good look as he was in and out of the cedars. That made three bulls in this bowl a small 6x6 with cows another small 6x6 and this new mature 6x6 and they seem to be there every evening. It was getting close to the end and we were getting close and going back and fourth between areas the big bull in the wash was staying put and we hadn't seen the other bull since that night I decide to try for any bull that would give me a shot. With Jesse having to go back to work Tuesday afternoon and the last two days forecast for 40 mph winds I figured Tuesday night was my last chance to get it done. I called a friend I met while I was working in Show Low and asked if he would help me that night. Roland said he would meet me at 3:00.I decide to hunt the three bull in the bowl and the wind was better and we could come in from the north. The night before we had them responding to cow calls so I thought we should try it again and maybe get a shot at one of the small 6x6. After walking a few hundred yards we here a bugle,Roland set me up and began calling, 45 minutes passed with the bull answering about every 10 minutes. Roland walked up to me and said he is still in his bed and we were going to have to get aggressive so we moved closer about 100 yards and were met by this bull screaming on the other side of the cedar, Roland quickly ran back and began calling and racking trees but the just stood there screaming. After a few minutes it sounded as if the bull was leaving so we took off after him about 30 yards later we got are first glimpse he was in some cedars all we could see was his butt and the tops of his antlers, we freeze and he was trying to see what we were, he began to move left so I got into position on the other side of the cedar and came to full draw. The bull steps into the opening and stops for one last look, I guess 65 yards and release just as he took off the shot was back but I could tell it went through. Roland was pumped he couldn't see the shot he asked me "what's wrong" I told him that I hit way back and we needed to get out of there. He convinced me to wait and we could hear him walking and then heard him fall. We still waited an hour and a half and never heard him again still not sure of my shot I was reluctant to go retrieve my arrow, but we eased up and found it. The wasn't any blood anywhere so we slowly followed tracks only dime sized blood drops was making me want to still back out but Roland was sure we got him. 70 yards later we found him piled up.


As he stepped he turned away and the shot was good the grave digger did it job, awesome broadhead



I just wanted to say thx to Rito, Jesse, Roland, Adam, and everyone else that helped make this awesome hunt possible. A special thx to my wife for putting up with all my craziness I love you. My dad and son never did get an elk witch is my only regret on this hunt wish I could of helped them more.




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Congratulations! That is one heck of a bull. Great write up as well. ;-)

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Thanks for all your kind words. We got a green score of 327 gross and 318 net he had short beams at 43" and 47" he made some of that up with 50" of mass I couldn't be more happy with this bull thx again

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