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Pinal County Deputy shoots unarmed man

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Another thief off of the streets!!! I will not lose any sleep over it... Where there is smoke, there is fire.



yeah! Cops are now jury and executioner! Excellent.

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I have always thought Cops are way too trigger happy and this is another example. Tase the guy and beat the crap out of him. There were like 10 cops surrounding the guy. If it was one on one then the officer may not have had a choice.

I think I just became a fan of Paul Babeau. Regardless of the cop was in the wrong, his Sheriff backed him up 100%. Wish more managers and leaders were like that.

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It aint over till the fat lady sings...there is a criminal investigation, the family will sue the deputy and the county.

And, it is very hard to make a snap decision with yer mind full of adrenaline and trying to anticipate his next move....I would guess how that guy withstood the beanbags and taser, his mind was influenced by too much of something.

I used to live about a block from where this happened.

His family will declare he was giving up and was doing nothing wrong...probably even say the police were harassing him, but, how did he get in that situation in the first place?

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Carrying a gun would be irrelevant for that thief. Only a man with a death wish, would draw down on ten cops. No cop is above the law. The whole thing will get glossed over, just like it always does. Cops stick together, and the guy will probably get a promotion out of it.


It is a growing trend in this country, ruled by King Wannabe Obama, where, "Due Process", is failing miserably.


The bullying and intimidation tactics used by any entity, or, authority, is something "We the people" need to stand up too, and crush it before it is too late.


I got pulled over for a traffic violation. The Cop asked me if I had any Guns or illegal substances in my truck. You want to know what's in my truck, get a friggin search warrant. And no.....I will not turn over my gun to allow you to run a serial number check.


One thing a lot of people don't realize is most cops don't care much about your traffic violation, they pull you over with the intention of finding out more about you and what you may have in your automobile and any other possible misdemeanors they can get out of it. A good arrest record is what get's them promoted. I don't have anything against cops, I do despise the system.

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I have always thought Cops are way too trigger happy and this is another example. Tase the guy and beat the crap out of him. There were like 10 cops surrounding the guy. If it was one on one then the officer may not have had a choice.

I think I just became a fan of Paul Babeau. Regardless of the cop was in the wrong, his Sheriff backed him up 100%. Wish more managers and leaders were like that.

They at a minimum bean bagged him. Tried less then lethal.


As far as sticking up for the shooter, I've got nothing. Ignore all commands etc, yes... Make a deadly force movement... Not that I saw. But, it is very hard (for me) to Monday morning quarterback something that I was not personally involved with.

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Its a tough job. No doubt. Still, he made the decision to kill someone who had their hands in the air and unarmed and by appearance seems to be giving up. I also understand the mentality of cops sticking up for cops but that can only go so far.

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Carrying a gun would be irrelevant for that thief. Only a man with a death wish, would draw down on ten cops. No cop is above the law. The whole thing will get glossed over, just like it always does. Cops stick together, and the guy will probably get a promotion out of it.


It is a growing trend in this country, ruled by King Wannabe Obama, where, "Due Process", is failing miserably.


The bullying and intimidation tactics used by any entity, or, authority, is something "We the people" need to stand up too, and crush it before it is too late.


I got pulled over for a traffic violation. The Cop asked me if I had any Guns or illegal substances in my truck. You want to know what's in my truck, get a friggin search warrant. And no.....I will not turn over my gun to allow you to run a serial number check.


One thing a lot of people don't realize is most cops don't care much about your traffic violation, they pull you over with the intention of finding out more about you and what you may have in your automobile and any other possible misdemeanors they can get out of it. A good arrest record is what get's them promoted. I don't have anything against cops, I do despise the system.


Well then you're a criminal, as temporarily surrendering your gun during a stop is mandatory per ARS, as is not stating you have a firearm in your car when asked by law enforcement.



As far as this video goes, when less lethal failed to work and the suspect went to the vehicle he reportedly had a weapon in, as well as failed to obey law enforcement commands, this high risk felony stop turns into a lethal force scenario. As far as hands being in the air at the time the trigger was pulled? Who knows audio often lags behind video (or vice versa) in cell phone videos which is why you cannot base your opinion solely off the video, the officer also has a different point of view than the camera does so who knows what he was seeing when he decided to pull the trigger.


In my eyes I see this as a good shoot. Who knows what the legal system will do but I suspect the criminal courts will agree, the civil court may see otherwise as they often do.


Hats off to everyone who puts their life on the line every day for a less than great salary. It's easy for people who have never done the job to critique someones actions and my opinion is if they want policing done differently then maybe they need to consider becoming a cop themselves so they can be part of this "change" they want.


Why would the suspect report that he had a gun in the vehicle and that the cops would have to kill him if he didn't intend on dying that day?

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Agree Weston. They could have arrested him and we could've spent thousands upon thousands of dollars supporting this POS. You put yourself in this situation you know what the outcome may be. He wasn't running from the cops just to see if he would make the news. Problem solved.

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Welcome to Police State USA. He shot a guy with his hands in the air.


An MCSO deputy held my 60 year old aunt at gunpoint because her truck was the color of a truck that was used in a robbery 10 hours before. She tried to tell him that she couldn't hold her hands in the air as he commanded because of a disability. Didn't matter. He held her at gunpoint until backup arrived. She is 5'2" and 140 lbs soaking wet. She was a big threat for sure.

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If a man shoots another man in the back with his arms raised, isn't that called murder ? Those LEO are pretty weak if they can't get that situation under control with out killing the guy. How about the guy in California... Kelly Thomas killed by cops and they were just found not guilty ...what is this country.. Afghanistan. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2014/01/15/kelly-thomas-death-police-brutality-trial-police-found-not-guilty/

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