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Anybody in Tucson know how to kick a field goal? Aint there any Zendejase's living in town?....................BOB!

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They almost pulled it off. Thats to bad. That on side kick they recovered was one of the best I ever seen. ...........BOB!

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The kicking game is better than what I remember from the last few years, but it's still not good. It was a fun game to watch, and they still have a lot to play for.

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The fact they were in it playing like they did, was a miracle. USC was definitely bigger and more physical but not overly impressive, except there running back. Recoup, come back and beat Washington State.

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i stayed till the end, i was so pissed. that kickers needs a kick in the nuts. but there was also some bad play calls and even worse defense. i dont understand how they didnt try and put pressure on USC's QB. i was so pissed the whole game but it was fun. i was just hoping they would pull it off.

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And it begins, the W slowly starts to turn upside down and before you know it, it becomes the M........University of Mildcats

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I am an ASU fan however, I always go for the Cats if they aren't playing ASU. It was a heartbreak loss but the Cats looked really good. Both UOA and ASU will be serious contenders for championships in 2016 you mark my words. GO ARIZONA college football, screw the Cali and east coast teams. I would bet both ASU and UOA will be top ten teams in 2016 if not next year with the growing talent pool they are maturing.

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Last light Anu Soloman really showed how new of a QB he really is. Too many miss thrown passes in key situation and that two point conversion play where he handed it off to the back should have never happened. He should have kept that ball and looked for a receiver or even walked it into the end zone himself. USC was lined up to stuff the middle and if Anu would have held on to that ball for an extra second he would have seen that he could have skirted around and scored himself. The cats have a young team and Anu is a great QB non the less, just needs some time to grow, he's going to do great things at UA.

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I didn't see how U of A was a number 10 team lastnight. I really like wildcat athletics but I don't think they're a top 10 team. Their defense needs to really step it up in being able to tackle in the open field and stop the run game. Way way too much emphasis on trying to strip the ball from backs. USC's yards after contact really hurt U of A. They've gotta get that taken care of.


On a positive note, their third string tailback, Baker, really showed his desire to be in the mix of things for their running game. Man that guy runs with a lot of desire; Really fun to watch.

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You guys are crazy to blame Casey (UAs kicker) for this loss. I know Casey very well and he is one of the better kickers in the nation right now.


If he did not have a successful onside kick (2nd this season), UA would not have even had a chance. He actually has kept UA in most games this year. The Cats could not convert in the red zone. How about the fumble on the 2 yard line? Not sure Casey had anything to do with that. How about how crappy the defense played? I don't think Casey is a defensive lineman or a safety ( I know one of the kids playing safety so I won't bad mouth him) The 1st field goal he missed was a 48 yarder, by no means a gimme. His long is 49.


How about the bad call on the 2 point conversion - trying to run up the middle - joke, given the fact they couldn't do it all night. Maybe the coaches should have tried to get the ball closer on the last series to give Casey an easier attempt. Not sure if it was his fault the other field goal was blocked, it is kind of hard to be an offensive lineman and a kicker at the same time.


With the way UA played, they were very lucky to even come this close......

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They do need to tackle alot better...............BOB!

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