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Now that the one NY prison escapee scumbag is taking the big dirt nap (family didn't even want to claim his body) and the other is in ICU on taxpayers dime, the bean counters have chimed in. Costs of bagging these two will exceed $20,000,000.


They're both convicted murderers with life sentences that would have amounted to a death sentence in states that allow execution. Catching my drift?

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The American Prison system is a Joke and really just more Welfare ... for inmates who get better treatment than many of our veterans and corporate welfare by letting and making some of these F'ed up contracts with the privatized prisons that now house a good percent of inmates and is growing every year.

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Death penalty needs to be in every state. Then if you are convicted of a crime and you are sentenced to death, Then they need to do it. Not make us pay for 20 years while the lawyers get rich with appeals and we pay for their food and board. Texas has an express line I think. You kill someone in TX, they kill you back.

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str8 what prison do you work at and how many privates have you worked in?

dang. It depends on whose privates he's gotta work in but that could be really good or really bad.

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death penalty means SQUAT -- 30-40 yrs on death road ---- wooooooooooo --- hang the bstds within a week- then maybe criminals might think twice -- as it is now - its a better life than what they have on the streets.

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God! I love this site ... You say something Defending G&F and you must work for them ... You comment on The current state of our nations prison systems and you must work for one .... Jim,not hard to do research and get valid information to see the good and THE BAD of privatized prisons ... They want to capitalize on near slave labor and provide better security keeping the scum behind walls .. I have no problem with that ... I do have a problem with them having contracts stipulating that they must be guaranteed a certain occupancy % usually above 90% and taxpayers paying for empty beds when that quota is not being met. I would not be surprised if the prison call centers do not have some kind of Contact with the Democrats phone soliciting for their candidates ...


IMO guys like these two, who make home in maximum security prisons for violent acts, should have an implant at the base of the brain and top of spine with a small charge and locator beacon .... IF they find a way to get outside the wall, after a few steps that small charge pops leaving them dead in their tracks... The locator beacon is so no time is wasted finding the dead body (and of course monitoring inside the facility),,, No wasted $$$$$ and Time on Manhunts... No wasted $$$$ on Hospitals when a bullet meant to take him out misses it's spot and fails to send him to the grave.... no additional innocent casualties

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God! I love this site ... You say something Defending G&F and you must work for them ... You comment on The current state of our nations prison systems and you must work for one .... Jim,not hard to do research and get valid information to see the good and THE BAD of privatized prisons ... They want to capitalize on near slave labor and provide better security keeping the scum behind walls .. I have no problem with that ... I do have a problem with them having contracts stipulating that they must be guaranteed a certain occupancy % usually above 90% and taxpayers paying for empty beds when that quota is not being met. I would not be surprised if the prison call centers do not have some kind of Contact with the Democrats phone soliciting for their candidates ...


IMO guys like these two, who make home in maximum security prisons for violent acts, should have an implant at the base of the brain and top of spine with a small charge and locator beacon .... IF they find a way to get outside the wall, after a few steps that small charge pops leaving them dead in their tracks... The locator beacon is so no time is wasted finding the dead body (and of course monitoring inside the facility),,, No wasted $$$$$ and Time on Manhunts... No wasted $$$$ on Hospitals when a bullet meant to take him out misses it's spot and fails to send him to the grave.... no additional innocent casualties

What implant chip company do you work for?? LOL I kid I kid....

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death penalty means SQUAT -- 30-40 yrs on death road ---- wooooooooooo --- hang the bstds within a week- then maybe criminals might think twice -- as it is now - its a better life than what they have on the streets.

It may not be a better life than the streets but the key point is, THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!! Unlike some of their victims or fathers and mothers, kids or your sister or neighbor. They are committed to death, Kill em' and don't take a week, Walk them out back, 22mag to the head, (and I will be glad to supply the rounds), throw em' in a dumpster marked scumbag and ask for the next one.

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I was just asking if you have worked at both. Your arguments on the good and bad are questionable. I do however agree with you on the way to handle career criminals the prison system it's self is heading towards mass issues as the prison population is becoming more and more unmanageable. The rules and laws that have been placed on corrections have handcuffed any real ways of managing the population. There is no holding anyone accountable for their actions. I really feel for the safety of our staff at all state, federal and private prisons. I have 26 years in this line of work and the most important part of a day is that all staff go home safe.

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I was just asking if you have worked at both. Your arguments on the good and bad are questionable. I do however agree with you on the way to handle career criminals the prison system it's self is heading towards mass issues as the prison population is becoming more and more unmanageable. The rules and laws that have been placed on corrections have handcuffed any real ways of managing the population. There is no holding anyone accountable for their actions. I really feel for the safety of our staff at all state, federal and private prisons. I have 26 years in this line of work and the most important part of a day is that all staff go home safe.

About 10 years ago I served on a jury charged with resentencing a convicted multiple Killer. The jury had its liberal holdouts not wanting to resentence this pos back to death row. But what convinced me that he needed execution rather than life, was the fact that while on death row he was allowed to garden. And he took the opportunity while gardening, to attack another inmate. So rather than have this creep be given life and the chances to attack a guard or nurse, etc... Back you go to await the needle. It was a tough, emotional trial and his family begged to have him spared but I could see no meticating factors in his upbringing or his time in prison for leniency.

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