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Guest akaspecials

Sick of hearing about you missing

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Guest akaspecials

It's not even elk season yet and everyday I hear about people missing or wounding animals. Missing and wounding animals is NOT "just part of hunting" as so many people claim. Please realize that you have a responsibility to take a clean and ethical shot that is within your capabilities. I shouldn't have to read this dribble everyday about people missing and wounding animals. It's sickening...

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I quit hunting for 15 years of my life because I was such a pi$$ poor hunter when I was young. I was taught wrong when i was young. My dad is not a hunter, so I learned from friends and what not. In my teens, hunting was hopping in a truck with rifles and a twelve pack of beer for each hunter. Or, I heard so many stories of people taking shots that were well beyond their capabilities. Sad thing was, when I was young it all seemed normal and part of hunting. One year, I killed an elk that I never harvested and found later in the season all bloated. I also Killed two deer that year that I didn't harvest. I got so disturbed by my own actions that I essentially imposed upon myself a suspension of my hunting. I told myself all those years that I didn't hunt that when I do get back into it, I'd be a whole different kind of hunter.

I think hunting ethics have been raised in general across the whole hunting community over the years, but I think there are a lot of people who are still lousy hunters with lousy ethics, but now they don't admit it or lie about it. I hear how everybody has such high standards in regards to hunting, but then I get out there and I see things that tell a different story.

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It's not even elk season yet and everyday I hear about people missing or wounding animals. Missing and wounding animals is NOT "just part of hunting" as so many people claim. Please realize that you have a responsibility to take a clean and ethical shot that is within your capabilities. I shouldn't have to read this dribble everyday about people missing and wounding animals. It's sickening...

dude are you just mad those some people are getting action and you arent? dont be a buckblocker.

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Who hunts that has never missed? Nobody is born a stone cold killer with ice in their veins. Ive always tried to make a good shot, but when the adrenaline was kicking its easy shank it and to lob an arrow right over their back. Heck, first deer i shot at (and missed ;) ) i was too rattled to even know which pin to use! That excitement is the very reason I hunt. Sorry, but if you want no misses than you want to abolish hunting.


Buckblocker... CLASSIC! :D

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Unfortunately, missing and, sometimes wounding IS part of the game.


I fancy myself decently lethal, and I NEVER take a shot I'm not confident about and I've lost a couple animals, and missed a couple more. (Never seem to miss the little guys though)!

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Guest akaspecials

Unfortunately, missing and, sometimes wounding IS part of the game.


I fancy myself decently lethal, and I NEVER take a shot I'm not confident about and I've lost a couple animals, and missed a couple more. (Never seem to miss the little guys though)!


Apparently your confidence exceeds your ability level. I understand making mistakes once a blue moon, but it seems as though it's a regular thing for you and you're writing it off as part of the game instead of taking responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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We are humans and not robots. Crap happens and we have to deal with it. I think most hunters strive to make a quick humane kill but sometimes even when we try to take all variables into account something might happen beyond our control. It doesn't mean we are shooting outside the range of our capabilities. The thing we can do is learn from our and other's experiences to make us better.


Ever hit a bird and see a big puff of feathers and have it fly off? Ever hit a limb with bullet or arrow and have it deflect? Sometimes it misses cleanly and sometimes it wounds. Watch just about any "pro hunter" on a show and watch all the perfect shots they make. NOT! It even ticks me off when they declare a clean miss and never go check for blood.


Now what you do after the shot depends on you and your personal views. I know people that have spent the whole rest of the season trying to track that one animal. If they can't find it they quit hunting. Others keep hunting giving up on the animal they wounded by deciding it was not a lethal hit.


This is all I am going to say except my hunts are coming up. Just so you know I am going to miss a 60 yard shot with my bow on an elk. Then I am going to wound a deer at 30 yards and not find it after three days of searching. Then I am going to shoot over the back of an elk at 40 yards. Then I am going to make a killing shot on a deer at 60 yards and I will end the season with a killing shot on a giant 400" bull at 10 yards.

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It's not even elk season yet and everyday I hear about people missing or wounding animals. Missing and wounding animals is NOT "just part of hunting" as so many people claim. Please realize that you have a responsibility to take a clean and ethical shot that is within your capabilities. I shouldn't have to read this dribble everyday about people missing and wounding animals. It's sickening...

Then don't read it. It's really none of your business what others do and not a dam thing you can do about it!


I really shouldn't have to read this dribble everyday about people crying over others actions that's out of their control. It's sickening.


You mad?

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Get off your high horse... Missing and wounding animals does happen and is part of hunting. theres a lot of factors out of a hunters control and some times s*it just hits the fan and doesn't work out the way intended. Get off your computer and go hunt. Stop worrying, complaining, and crying about what others are doing and worry about yourself...

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When did missing become unethical? Sometimes a miss is just a miss. If everything you've shot at, you've hit and its dropped within sight thats awesome. I've missed shots on everything from deer to ducks to doves. Once I even missed a javelina that I could have stabbed with a knife.


As for wounding and losing them, it does happen. Too often in my opinion but sometimes in spite of our best efforts we may miss that one clue that led to a downed animal OR what we think is a fatal shot is not that at all.

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anyone who claims they never miss is either a liar or they haven't hunted very long.

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I'm more pizzed at unethical animals.

Had a decent, clear shot, 40 yards, buck standing broadside. I had em dead to rights, vitals, in my sights. SOB jumped the string and did the limbo. Craziest thing I ever seen. Must have been a veteran.


How do I charge this buck with unethical behavior? He nearly got stuck in the neck with his antics.

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I'm more pizzed at unethical animals.

Had a decent, clear shot, 40 yards, buck standing broadside. I had em dead to rights, vitals, in my sights. SOB jumped the string and did the limbo. Craziest thing I ever seen. Must have been a veteran.


How do I charge this buck with unethical behavior? He nearly got stuck in the neck with his antics.


+1 to unethical animals- that has always been my issue


Seriously though what is up with all this "holier than thou" attitude?? If I was told to NEVER take a shot unless I hit the target then I would be in the same spot I was as a child. I've spent 100's of hours on ranges with duty weapons- still not perfect. Get over it and no I never lost an animal- come close though.

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