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Whats up with this pigs feet????

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Looks like a regular blue ridge gal to me...

You're posting from the aids capital of Az slow your roll

Nothing but the best here in payson, my friend. Those north eastern huskies you breed in blue ridge have us all worried

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We want camel toes!!!!!!

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Laminitis is a disease that affects the feet of ungulates, and is found mostly in horses and cattle. Clinical signs include foot tenderness progressing to inability to walk, increased digital pulses, and increased temperature in the hooves. Severe cases with outwardly visible clinical signs are known by the colloquial term founder, and progression of the disease may lead to perforation of the coffin bone through the sole of the hoof or being unable to stand up requiring euthanasia. It can happen to any ungulate. My sister had a horse that had to be put down from lamantitis after many years of very expensive shoeing. The coffin home became so painful she just coulndt walk. I do believe javelina and deer that get this hoof issues have same thing as foundering. It will affect shin bones also so notice this one's legs look kinda funny. It eventually can cause them to just lay down and not get up.

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Looks like Hillary needs a pedicure

No need to insult the pig now... i mean its dead.. XD

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