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million dollar camper idea

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So, it's getting closer to replacing my old worn out '79 coleman. But the "with what" comes up. Mainly if I have the conversation around the lady,... it's
with what funds?!?!" But anyways...


We like the ability to access more places with a pop up. its light, can usually find a place to set it up. doesn't need the clearance or space that a hard side has. But the draw back is setting it up to pack, setting it up to set up, and then again to clean out and air out afterwards.


I want to make my own pop up. I got some ideas, but don't know where to start or how to go about it.

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For hunting I want a trailer and a PU. Fishing I want a PU w Camper. For vacation I want a motor home. Have I spent a million yet?

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Basically, I want a truck utility bed base, with a pop up top. Slide out beds, and canvas kit. "Patent pending" (now if you guys steal my ideas....)


So that way I can access all of the storage compartments from the outside

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And I'm not a Nancy by any means. It's nice to have a dry place for gear and sleep. And to have a something nice enough to double for the family trip. I would totally be in on a jumping jacks if it was just my brother and I for the hunts. But funds and space, I can't have a family camper and hunting trailer

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As I get older I really value a good bed and a real toilet! Maybe a little Nancyish but it would be hard to go back from a travel trailer to a tent again.

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Guest akaspecials

Look up Alaskan campers. They are telescoping campers. I have an '85 model and love it. The newer models are pretty cool, albiet a bit pricy. You can find usedones at reasonable prices. Set up on my '85 is less than 5 minutes. Take down is the same. May give you some good ideas.

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Get a big yard and start building your fleet. You are only allowed one wife at a time but you can have and need many, many toys. :D

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Our neighbors recently bought one of those Turtleback Trailers. It looked cool so I went over and checked it out. I though it was a great idea until I found out how much they cost. I almost threw up. Probably 3-4 times what I would have guessed.

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