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I have heard all the arguments for and against cams.....bottom line. is that with every or just about every tank ( especially ) on the strip having a bunch or cam on it....there is NOT a single deer that does not get inventoried.....outfitters put out in total thousand of cameras and that means the the BIGGEST bucks are getting pressured and KILLED.....before cams YOU WOULD ACTUALLY Have to sit a waterhole or glass an area to see watch and even then you would not even see half the deer....now every stinking waterhole has a bunch of cameras taking pictures 24/7.... then an outfitters finds THE DEER and then hires 10 guys to glass then sells that info for thousands to the GOV tag....mean while poor saps like me has to slog it out and hope to find a buck glassing.....TIME TO EVEN THE PLAYING FIELD!!!


Nothing against guides...but hunting has turned into a RICH mans sport..... hundreds of thousand of dollars and a guy can buy THE TAG and hunt 365 days a year for THE BULL or THE BUCK...NOT FAIR...dont care that the FED match or double or triple the Gov tag money....long before all these rich guys were buying tags WE HAD STUDS on the STRIP.....didnt not need one guy to buy a $300K buck tag to get those deer!!!!


Between Shed hunting and Game Cameras our Bulls and Buck are getting way too much pressure...


Flame on....

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Wow. You're mad. I get it but they actually get less pressure imo because there aren't 10 dudes out there trying to find them. Just some cameras. I don't usr cameras but I'm glad there is no law against them. We don't need any more Nanny State b.s. laws. Government is wwaaaaayyyy too big already.

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You have every right to go put as many cameras up as they do.


There are lots of hidden water sources with water in them. Lots of holes in rocks with water are around. Not all the deer are inventoried btw. My wife killed a 236 buck that the guides had 1 picture of in August at a tank 5 miles from where we killed it. Kind of a mystery deer.


Have you hunted the strip? It sounds like you have a tag this year?


The fact is that the strip is a money making machine for the state. If you don't want to play the game, try a different unit and hunt every year instead of waiting 20 years for a hunt.

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Commercializing the hunt to the point it becomes technology, big $ and big egos paying someone else to do all the work so they can get their big kill. heck lets just cut out a steel silhouette of a monster buck or bull set it up at 600 yards and put Mr Big Buck Master Blaster in position to knock it down then give them their Euro mount of some plastic cast mongo rack and send them on their way.

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Sound like a liberal!! This isn't fair so lets make new laws, and add more laws to make it fair. Fair Fair Fair!!! Here is a secret for success for everything! Create your own life that you want! Government doesn't do it for you, Trump doesn't do it for you, your friends dont do it for you. Its just you!!!!. I don't care about the cameras either and yes in some areas they ruin the sport. But last I checked you will come across D-Bags in all areas of life! Don't let that stop you. Find another way! Tree stand or blind the usual route they take to the water hole instead of sitting at the water hole. Find their food source. Glass more. Scout more. Hunt more. Do you think this will stop a business from pulling out 230" bucks out of the Bab!! If they are a creator in their life they will just find another way. Maybe hire a couple more grunts to track down that buck, that will raise cost to the owner guided and just charge more for his service. Stop relying on outside source for what you want!

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Thank god im happy being a baby deer killer. You guys that get so excited over big antlers don’t even seem to enjoy hunting the way everything pisses you off so much

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Try harder, quit glassing and go into the thick stuff, that's where the biggins live. A camera is like a fish finder, or a tease.

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Wow. You're mad. I get it but they actually get less pressure imo because there aren't 10 dudes out there trying to find them. Just some cameras. I don't usr cameras but I'm glad there is no law against them. We don't need any more Nanny State b.s. laws. Government is wwaaaaayyyy too big already.

not mad.... just cameras......that get checked and rechecked and then record every deer.....so now the odds are way stacked in favor of hunter since he know what water source hold which deer.......this is NOT FAIR CHASE....

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You have every right to go put as many cameras up as they do.


There are lots of hidden water sources with water in them. Lots of holes in rocks with water are around. Not all the deer are inventoried btw. My wife killed a 236 buck that the guides had 1 picture of in August at a tank 5 miles from where we killed it. Kind of a mystery deer.


Have you hunted the strip? It sounds like you have a tag this year?


The fact is that the strip is a money making machine for the state. If you don't want to play the game, try a different unit and hunt every year instead of waiting 20 years for a hunt.

YOU proved my point.....your 236 buck was inventoried.....so you knew it was in the area.....5 miles away is NOT that far....heck I can glass 1 mile in every direction easily from a good glassing point.....if I record a 236 inch deer then I have narrowed the unit down from 500 square miles down to maybe 10 square miles....a little more work and can eliminate about half that....bottom line is that the use of cameras on water holes is NOT fair chase......

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If your going to start stirring the pot over this again you can't just pick and choose what's fair chase and what's not. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you should get to ruin it for the ones who do it the right way and enjoy doing it. Yes I run cameras, and I can tell you i've hunt a area almost every year and deer come and go every year. We hardly ever have the same bucks year after year. I enjoy checking cameras just as much as the other guy, No i'm not a guide but I did spend about 100+ days in the field last year even though I tagged out the 1st week of January. I enjoy being out in the hills I don't let others ruin it for me. You don't like something get over it and move on. Now if its something unlawful or unethical that's one thing but as it stands cameras are still legal so hunt how you hunt as I hunt how I hunt. Good day and Good luck with the draw.

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You have every right to go put as many cameras up as they do.


There are lots of hidden water sources with water in them. Lots of holes in rocks with water are around. Not all the deer are inventoried btw. My wife killed a 236 buck that the guides had 1 picture of in August at a tank 5 miles from where we killed it. Kind of a mystery deer.


Have you hunted the strip? It sounds like you have a tag this year?


The fact is that the strip is a money making machine for the state. If you don't want to play the game, try a different unit and hunt every year instead of waiting 20 years for a hunt.

YOU proved my point.....your 236 buck was inventoried.....so you knew it was in the area.....5 miles away is NOT that far....heck I can glass 1 mile in every direction easily from a good glassing point.....if I record a 236 inch deer then I have narrowed the unit down from 500 square miles down to maybe 10 square miles....a little more work and can eliminate about half that....bottom line is that the use of cameras on water holes is NOT fair chase......


WRONG. It wasn't narrowed down by the camera. It wasn't inventoried. You don't know how this hunt went down. The deer was found by one of the guides in person a few weeks before the hunt. They didn't realize they had the deer on camera till after the hunt.


Go out and run cameras on the strip and you will see how tough it is. I don't know how much you run cameras but all the guys I've seen that are against it haven't done it enough to see exactly how difficult it is. And the guys who do run cameras pretty much all agree that it is fair chase. How many people showed up to the F&G Meeting against cameras? Boone and Crocket, Pope and Young, SCI, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, The Arizona Deer Association all agree it is fair chase.


I run cameras year round, not on the strip. I have tons of animals on camera. The odds of the right animal being there during the hunt, during daylight hours with me being there and a tag in hand are slim. They just aren't that predictable.

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Wow! You found a tank with water in it? Seriously now, I bet it's worse this year than most because of the limited number of water sources while we are in this drought.

Cams do not help you kill an animal, at least not in the areas I hunt. They do help hunters who are in competition for the biggest rack or at least it helps them know what's out there. In the end though, that is a competition between trophy hunters, but not an aid in fair chase, man vs, the game. I am not a trophy hunter and if I knew of a great buck or bull, I'd be just as happy see it survive another year as I would to kill it.

I probably spend time in the field probably 100 days a year. My cams are not on water, either. I follow trails and learn an area before I set up cams . The hardest thing about doing it away from water is it makes them harder to find again,

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Thank god im happy being a baby deer killer. You guys that get so excited over big antlers dont even seem to enjoy hunting the way everything pisses you off so much


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You have every right to go put as many cameras up as they do.


There are lots of hidden water sources with water in them. Lots of holes in rocks with water are around. Not all the deer are inventoried btw. My wife killed a 236 buck that the guides had 1 picture of in August at a tank 5 miles from where we killed it. Kind of a mystery deer.


Have you hunted the strip? It sounds like you have a tag this year?


The fact is that the strip is a money making machine for the state. If you don't want to play the game, try a different unit and hunt every year instead of waiting 20 years for a hunt.

YOU proved my point.....your 236 buck was inventoried.....so you knew it was in the area.....5 miles away is NOT that far....heck I can glass 1 mile in every direction easily from a good glassing point.....if I record a 236 inch deer then I have narrowed the unit down from 500 square miles down to maybe 10 square miles....a little more work and can eliminate about half that....bottom line is that the use of cameras on water holes is NOT fair chase......


WRONG. It wasn't narrowed down by the camera. It wasn't inventoried. You don't know how this hunt went down. The deer was found by one of the guides in person a few weeks before the hunt. They didn't realize they had the deer on camera till after the hunt.


Go out and run cameras on the strip and you will see how tough it is. I don't know how much you run cameras but all the guys I've seen that are against it haven't done it enough to see exactly how difficult it is. And the guys who do run cameras pretty much all agree that it is fair chase. How many people showed up to the F&G Meeting against cameras? Boone and Crocket, Pope and Young, SCI, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, The Arizona Deer Association all agree it is fair chase.


I run cameras year round, not on the strip. I have tons of animals on camera. The odds of the right animal being there during the hunt, during daylight hours with me being there and a tag in hand are slim. They just aren't that predictable.


Well have I have run cameras but they are all on Private land...stopped running them after other hunters stole them...so yes I know how to run cameras....almost every dang tank on the strip WILL HAVE multiple cameras....cameras that record 24/7 and NOT A SINGLE deer that goes to that tank will go unknown...ONE GUIDE or ONE HUNTER can cover every tank limited ONLY the $$$ the person can afford....to me this IS NOT FAR CHASE..

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