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Troy, congratulations on your pig. That must have been pretty exciting. Keep it up and remember to write your hunt down in a journal. Thanks for sharing Dad! :D



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Big congrats kiddo! This is number two for you isn't it? Seems like I remember reading about your first last Jan? Good luck w/ the bobcat mission. I've seen 3 or 4 of those in 27 over the last two years, you should get your dad to drive you over there for some callin. Just watch out for the bears, they like to come in too.


Matt S.

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Yoooooo Hoooooo!!!!! Great job! I'm still waiting for my first one. I really enjoyed reading your story an I will have my kids read it too. You and your father are very inspiring to me, for one day I'll be able to take my boys out. Congratulations to both you and your dad!!


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Well I could not think of a better way to post my 1000th post here on this site. :rolleyes:


Troy your dedication and "true love" of hunting has me look in the mirror and say wow! :blink: . to have your great attitude and williness to put in the time and effort and to never complain. sure gives me motivation to push on and to have the never give up mentality while hunting ! In the past 2 years for an 11 year old to harvest 2 javelinas,coues buck and a tom turkey.................I think we may have the next " chuck adams " on hand and it is awesome to see you grow into a fine young man! we'll see you on your turkey hunt ;) mike

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Congrats on the pig! Can't believe your dad made you go to school before tracking your pig....that's just cruel!!!! :lol:


What can I say? I just like being cruel!! :P


Since I fugred it was a gut shot, it seemed like a good idea to come back in a few hours after Troy finished up the half day of school. As it turned out, that pig dropped dead before he even had time to bed down. I'm sure he was dead 10 minutes before we packed up and headed to school.


Thanks for all of your encouraging posts to Troy. There aren't a lot of kid friendly places out on the internet, but you guys are a great bunch and I never worry about Troy when he's surfing here!


bowsniper dad

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