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The Coues

In the mail

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Wish me luck put the put in in the mail today... For rifle coues deer!! ;)

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Put myself in and my boy in for his youth hunt. This will be his first year for deer hunting. Now the long waiting game. Got my nice muley on the wall now I need that elusive Coues to go with it. Going straight Coues now. They are more of a competition. Good luck to all of you!!!!!

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Good luck. I killed a nice whitetail in jan. so i dont get look forward to draw results.

I think i can put in for a bonus point though, does anyone know for sure if you can.



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Thanks all.... Good luck to all you guys/gals too!!! ;)

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mje1 yes you can just buy the bouns point for 5 dollars

The price for a bonus point is $7.50

1) Yes you can apply for a bonus point if you have either killed out for the calender year

2) Yes you can apply for a bonus point if you want to accrue points and not be drawn.


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I mailed mine in on the 18th, Any Antlered in the Dec muzzle loader hun west of Phxt. I know, there are only mule deer in the units but if I don't draw I can probably pick up a left-over for the Oct hunts in one of the border units. If not that's fine too, I get to guide for Coues so either way I get to hunt them.

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LOL. I submitted an application for the 2010 Deer Season. But work was so crazy, my cousin gave me the hunt numbers of which I didn't keep. So put in, I just don't know for what unit. I'm guessing its units 8,9,10 in no particular order. Woohoo yeah for me. I crack myself up.

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