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Pine Donkey

Another Short Season for Garrett

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Garrett has waited since last January to hunt deer again. New Years day found him chasing Coues in a favorite area, but no luck. On the 3rd he decided to look for a muley buck he saw the week before while shooting dogs.





He and friends Cody and Cody found the buck early and the stock was on. He moved in as close as possible, but had to shoot across a small draw. Upon release the deer bolted and the arrow hit him further back than desired, yet Garrett saw blood pumping out around the shaft. Although he had a very good blood trail he waited over an hour to trail the deer. About 100 yards later he kicked the buck out of its bed. From there, the blood trail was very weak and quit altoghether after about 450 yards. Without blood or tracks in the rocky terrain, Garrett resorted to climbing high and glassing in hopes of finding the buck in a bed or moving. They glassed until dark without success.


The next day Garrett and Cody T. were at it again, glassing for the first several hours, then attempting to find his tracks. They spent all day searching the endless series of draws and cuts that the buck could have gone in, but had no success. He talked Mark (MJE1) into helping him on Saturday. Mark, Cody and Garrett started the morning glassing, they resumed their systematic walking of draws and cuts. Mid morning, in a draw about 1.5 miles from where the deer was shot, Garrett cut the buck's unique tracks. The three slowly worked their way up the draw until Mark spotted antlers sticking out from the base of a mesquite tree.


The buck was dead, but surprisingly the meat and cape were all in good condition. It appeared that he had bedded several times in about a 10 yard radius and had likely died the night before. After the celebration, phone calls and pictures the buck was quartered up and packed out. They were able to call a friend, James, who drove out to help and make the pack much shorter.






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Big time respect for relentlessly looking for your hit buck. You did exactly what and how I would have done it after that shot.


Congratulations on finding him and what a sweet buck to boot!

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Way to go Garrett on a great buck! Awesome job on not giving up on him and sticking with it to the end.

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