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Arizona Archery Goulds Turkey

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As luck would have it, I drew my third Goulds turkey tag since 2009. For some people, I was not very well liked for that reason, LOL. This year I decided I was going to try and take my turkey with archery equipment, as this may be my last chance to hunt Goulds in Arizona. I don't think that drawing this tag again will be very probable, and if I did, I might be tar and feathered by some :blink:.


Due to work, my brother and I were not able to make the 5 hour drive down to the unit in time to roost any birds the evening before opening day. So we were up at 3:30 opening morning and headed out from our motel in Wilcox to the Chiricahua Mountains. Our first spot we hit right as light was breaking, we crow called and immediately got a couple different toms to answer. As a matter of fact, there was probably six different toms gobbling. We got our gear together and headed out to set up. We found a good spot to set up and proceed to try and call in a tom. Well as luck would have it, none of the birds that were talking would make any head way towards us at all. Thinking that it wasn't going to happen, over to my left about 20 yards two hens showed up with a tom in tow. He was a young tom with probably about a six to seven inch beard. He was big enough for me though :). The two hens marched right into our decoy set up at about ten yards but the tom seemed to be scared of the strutting decoy, as we figure he was not wanting to get his butt whooped by a bigger tom. So he circle around at about 30 yards in the thicker brush. The two hens finally moved away and came by me at about 4 yards and went behind my brother and I. The tom kept circling to me right, and being a right handed shooter, he was making it difficult for me to get into position to draw my bow. I kept creeping around to my right as far as I could, drew my bow and waited for him to come out into an opening. He did, and well, I flat out missed him :unsure:. Didn't even scare him. He went right behind us and proceed to strut away until he finally moved off. The rest of the day was spent getting birds to gobble ( which wasn't hard), setting up on them, and listening to the them go the other direction. You could get a bird to gobble most any time of the day.


Saturday morning we set up on a tom on the roost that had quite a few hens. They proceeded to hit the ground and go the other direction, except for one bird that flew out and cruised right over our heads. The next draw over we got another gobble. We set up and everything was going good. He was coming and getting close. He got pretty close, couldn't quite see him yet when all of a sudden he just shut up and was gone. Have no idea what happened to him, one minute he was answering every call we made, the next absolutely nothing. That was a little disappointing as we thought he was the one. The rest of the morning was spent setting up on different toms but they were just not wanting to be responsive. Just before noon we were able to call in a Jake with a two inch beard. He had a big boy gobble though.


So at noon, we decide to go look at a new area just to see. We got over there and we found lots of sign. Didn't here anything but we knew there were quite a few birds in the area. Not knowing whether to stay in this spot or go back to where we have been finding all the turkeys, we decided to go back to our original area. We got over there and I decided to make a long loop on a shelf above a creek and my brother would pick me up on the other end. I was making my way along the bench, calling some as I went along, when I got two toms to respond, I set up but they didn't want anything to do with me as I seen them heading up a finger into the burn. A little further down I got another tom to respond but he did the exact same thing as the last two.


So I get back to the truck and we decide to go to that new spot to see if we could locate some birds to work for the next morning. Turns out this would be a great decision by my brother. We get over there a little before 6 pm. Knowing that this late in the evening, the birds probably wouldn't be responsive to calls as they would probably be making their way up towards where they would roost, we were just going to locate them for the next morning and let them be.


At 6 pm, we got a tom to gobble and he was close. As luck would have it, he sounded like he was right in the bottom of the creek. Instead of trying to call him, it was decided that I would try to sneak up to the edge, as on my side of the creek was really steep down to the creek, and just maybe I would catch him there and get my chance. I ease up to the steep creek edge and there he is walking out the opposite side at 25 yards. I quickly draw place my pin on him and I center punch him. He flops around real hard and finally gets to his feet and was trying to make it up the hill but he couldn't and laid down. I try to get to him as fast as I could up the hill, He is laying ten yards away and I could see he was still trying to keep his head up, so just for good measure I put another arrow in him. It was not needed as the first went through the boiler room, but I figured I would put another in him just in case. I walk up to him and I have my first archery Goulds turkey!


He has an eleven inch beard and average spurs. He broke his fan up pretty good while he was flopping around. It was kind of hard holding all the fan together for pictures. What a great weekend. We found a lot of birds. We could really see the difference in the number of birds between 2009 and today. It is a great hunt.


We also saw a nice coues buck still packing his antlers and one rattlesnake <_<.Hope you enjoy the story and pictures.










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As one who hates you and already wants to tar and feather you in Goulds breast feathers and lice: CONGRATS!


GREAT story. Thanks.

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Boy have I been waiting for this. Congratulations Brian. I had a really good feeling you were going to pull it off but I didn't want to jinx ya. Great write up and thanks for sharing. Sounds like you hit the right spot. I've decided I am going to start putting in for the goulds from now on. Might need your help down the road in the future. I take it your brother didn't have a tag. Way to ground check that bird. :)



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Congrats Brian, Now teach Me how to get Drawn please............BOB!

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Fantastic recap of a tremendous goulds hunt! Congratulations on getting this one with your bow.

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Congrats on a great Turkey!!

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Thanks everyone. It was a great trip.


TJ, my brother didn't have a tag just me. You get the tag and I'll sure help ya out.



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Congratulations on a beautiful bird! Way to get it done! I so want that tag someday especially for my daughter. Great job on the recap as well.

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Congrats on a great bird. Gould's are an amazing bird!

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