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Big Boquillas Ranch Threat or Leverage or Both!

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208muley .. it is not just tag holders paying the fee , any over 18 ... For instance The last time I was in that unit years ago it was 4 hunters 2 kids and 6 other adults ... Camp was left cleaner and in better shape than arriving. A group like that now will pay $602.00 to spend that 4 - 8 days out there ... If you have a second tag, like deer you will be paying again ... It adds up pretty quick ... So if you have the tag and a couple buddies go along $180 , If you are a guide $300 and proof of your license ... the $$$ would add up fast when there are almost 1500 Bull, Antlered Deer, and Antelope tags in unit 10 .. if only half of the tag holders buy a permit that is $45,000 and before they invite a buddy or take the wife along with them ... I am betting that the number of permits and total $$$$ is much much higher than that

I know that's why I asked about "helpers" figured that would include guides family and friends etc... Should have been more clear...

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From my understanding it is not the owners (Navajos) but rather the lessee. Probably splitting hairs though.


I don't believe for one second the ranch is trying to "provide more in the way of a quality experience to the hunters that access the ranch", and seem to recall that they were making a push for landowner tags in the past.


My guess is they want to jack up the access fees, and will probably continue to do so until they begin to see a reduction in revenue from the higher fees. I do believe this is all about one thing, and that is making as much money off of hunters as possible, and profit in some manner from the state's (our) wildlife.


If their ultimate goal (and it seems it is) is to close off the ranch completely except for leasing out hunting rights to outfitters or rich hunters, my hope is G&F closes that section of the unit to all hunting, and decreases the U10 tag allotment accordingly. Let the lessee deal with the overpopulation of elk, and deal with the coyotes, lions, etc. That would, however, immediately spur the ranch into action to demand a legal method to control wildlife population on the ranch that is impacting their cattle operations negatively. In other words....landowner tags. And I imagine they'd ultimately get it, other ranchers would follow suit, and we'd lose a good chunk of hunting areas in this state.


I personally do not have an issue with paying the current fee. It seems reasonable to hunt this area I love. Damage is undoubtedly done to their road system by hunters during the wet months, and certainly much more so than they would have if there were no hunting on the ranch. There are costs involved for them to maintain some of these roads and keep them passable for ranch vehicles and equipment. The problem I will have is if they start jacking up the costs to profit off of hunters.


I do believe the "damage" and incidents reported over the years on the ranch have been over exaggerated by the ranch, and have been used at leverage in an attempt to first obtain hunter access fees, and to now attempt an increase in those fees. A cleaner, more well kept non-national park, "public access land" area in AZ, would be hard to find. The vast majority of hunters accessing this area seem to do an exceptional job of keeping it clean and leaving minimal traces, especially when compared to adjacent NF areas. I personally make an attempt to always leave with more trash than I brought in, and I know others do as well. But in the areas I hunt, there just isn't a lot of trash to be found. I've seen more beer cans and trash tossed on the side of the road in a single season of hunting 7W than I have seen in 10 years hunting the ranch. Ironically enough, many of those beer cans I often found strewn about 7W, were tossed from the window of the local rancher's truck as he made his rounds.


As the ranch has exaggerated hunter impact on the ranch in the past, I would be highly skeptical of any "transparency" they're offering regarding their costs here.

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I got My bull and am done with it. Get one for Murfy coming up then shut it down. Just kidding ,but what a mess. .............BOB!

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I'd like to know if they are just reworking the damaged roads - etc or actually trying to solve the problem


by actually building an all weather road - this is where most of the complaint / problems were first started I believe


a good road which will benefit the rancher/leasee and the hunters - knowing access is actually improving , should be the priority of all parties .


just blading / dozring old roads with the samo dirt accomplishes nothing come bad weather

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unit 10 is for city boys anyways

you can come along next week and help a couple city boys pack one out of the aubrey cliffs. ;)

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unit 10 is for city boys anyways

you can come along next week and help a couple city boys pack one out of the aubrey cliffs. ;)


location: north phoenix


i rest my case ;)

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unit 10 is for city boys anyways

you can come along next week and help a couple city boys pack one out of the aubrey cliffs. ;)


What you said 5guys. 8 hours of packing ain't city boy chit if you ask me.

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Guest 300ultramag.

i only shoot stuff that can be reach by a 4 wheeler



^^ thats a true trophy

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This hole Big Bo thing trips me out, I hunted big bulls with my buddy on there last year, I didn't mind paying the $60.

Now where I get a lil confused is the access part. I know of TWO cases, one being a gentleman that has posted pictures hunting deer on the big bo when there was no access allowed at that time. Another gentleman I know personally was on the ranch this year to scout for elk WAY before anyone else was allowed on.....just a lil FYI both of these gents work for big name guides........

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so why not get sportsmen's groups together to push to make corner hopping legal, with all the good map software available now the avg hunter will know where the boundry lines are and public ground can be accessed

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