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what happened to the post yesterday "and let the cyber scouters start"

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I was on Brodhead Brotherhood for about a week last year, but quickly realized it was a bunch of yahoo's who have no clue spouting off about anything and everything. I had to unlike it and walk away before I lost my man card.

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I was on Brodhead Brotherhood for about a week last year, but quickly realized it was a bunch of yahoo's who have no clue spouting off about anything and everything. I had to unlike it and walk away before I lost my man card.


Did you at least score a "badassery flatty" before you left?

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Haha man I didn't check this thread all day and it blew up! Donnie is the guy that got pissed when someone asked to see some pics of animals he killed and he didn't have anything worthwhile to post up. So he threw a girl fit and banned him.

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Lol I didn't even notice my cyber scouters thread disappeared. But I can say I was banned from the brother hood after my buddy added me because my last name lol. My older brother gave his 2 cents on the group (and knowing him nothing nice) so the last name was flagged and banned I guess. But on a lighter note sorry I pushed the snow ball down the mountain and it led to hurt feelings and name calling . If it helps everyone that got feelings hurt post name and mailing address and maybe we can get some hunting stickers together and you can put them on the bumper right next to the Bernie 2016 sticker lol jk.

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I was on Brodhead Brotherhood for about a week last year, but quickly realized it was a bunch of yahoo's who have no clue spouting off about anything and everything. I had to unlike it and walk away before I lost my man card.

Did you at least score a "badassery flatty" before you left?


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Wow I just wasted the last 15 minutes of my life reading about grown men complaining about this guys group, or they wouldn't post pictures, or you don't even know this guy. The real house wives of bb and cwt !

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I like both groups...oh well don't know what that says about me. Whiners, know-it-alls, jerks, and good guys in both as I see it. Some good "grab your popcorn" threads on both too...no Lark on BB though.

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I like both groups...oh well don't know what that says about me. Whiners, know-it-alls, jerks, and good guys in both as I see it. Some good "grab your popcorn" threads on both too...no Lark on BB though.

that feel when no lark on CW either

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#brosbeforedoes #broadheadsoverblondeheads #pantiesinaknot #somethingaboutcameronhanesandworkingout #flatbrimsandgripandgrins #isay180itsreally140" #350raghorn. For anyone that has wanted to visit the BB, i summed it up in a few #hashtags for you

If this isn't the most spot on thing ever hahaha

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Well guys, its been real. Got hunts and hunters to start focusing on. Have a great day.

I'm a little slow so let me see if I get this right. You came on here yelling at people, myself included for talking bad about somebody they didn't know. Somebody pointed out that you have done in your past called you the pot or the kettle. So now that somebody made a point against you you're taking your ball and going home? Because that's how I see it.

I didn't take my ball and go home, I had work to do so I logged out. I still don't know or remember what I did to offend that gentleman but I owned and apologized. As a matter of fact, I personally accepted his request to join the Broadhead Brotherhood yesterday.

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Haha man I didn't check this thread all day and it blew up! Donnie is the guy that got pissed when someone asked to see some pics of animals he killed and he didn't have anything worthwhile to post up. So he threw a girl fit and banned him.

Yep... only person I've ever banned. He wasn't banned for asking me for pictures, he was banned because he's a contentious little jerk. As a matter of fact he was banned from a couple groups that day because of his mouth. My 100" coues (easiest trophy I ever killed), 75" goat, freak bull and several muleys all have been posted and I'm happy and proud to show them off. Get your story striaght before you run your suck.

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Since any further comments from me won't be fruitful or add anything positive to the conversation, I'm going to bow out. I wish all of you the best of luck on your upcoming hunts and the deer draw. Any of you are welcome to come see what the brotherhood is about. Lots of knuckleheads but alot of good folks too. Have a good one.

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