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Its a Sad Day

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Getting my stuff together to go pull my cameras :(

Pretty sad when a guy worries all week about having

stuff stolen from him.

Not many people know about this tank but it only takes

one Butt Head (or fat chick dressed in yellow)

to cost you a chunk of change.

Hope they are still there :(

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I just went to check my last remaining cam after my morning scouting(8-9-08), it's gone!!! My buddy had his on the same water, it's gone. That's 5 cams in just over a month, it is really just amazing to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It blows my mind on here everytime I read that ya'll will keep putting $250-300's worth of ya'lls money out there...Even after somebody rips you off once, twice, even THREE TIMES!! There's no way in heck I'd put up a cam in AZ. Too many dirtbags in this state.. as we can all see from the posts that come in almost daily. Its like giving away free cameras.


To each their own, though. :blink:

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The problem is that everyone has the trail cam thing figured out. Regardless if the people stealing them are unscrupulous hunters, forest service people, or people that know they can make a quick $50-100 on ebay, or whomever. Find a water hole within proximity to any road or trail and you will probably find a trail cam.

I would bet that somebody has got it figured out that they can earn extra income by finding and selling trail cams, or maybe the whacko anti's are working overtime.?


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It surprises me that there is not a "lowjack" sort of deal for cameras. Ya know like a chip that tells you when the cam is on the move...

Gotta be something pretty simple and relatively inexpensive. Compared to camera set up anyway.


Where are all these stolen cameras going? Ebay? Park and swap? Pawn shops? We need to find a way to track them after the thefts.

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A big steel jawed trap right under the camera would work, but an unlucky animal would probably step in it before the thief. You almost wish there was a way to booby trap one with a can of pepper spray to go off when opened if a key isn't turned or something like that, but then the law abiding citizen that put the camera out would get in trouble and the freaking thief would somehow get treated as the victim.

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It sounds like everyone is going to have to start setting up camera's pointing at the camera on the tank. They will still get stolen but at least there will be a picture of whoever did it.

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It sounds like everyone is going to have to start setting up camera's pointing at the camera on the tank. They will still get stolen but at least there will be a picture of whoever did it.



uh yeah , what he said. a camera for your camera and a sign " This area under video surveilance" :ph34r:

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easy fix, quit putting them on water.


99% of water in AZ is man made or at least, man maintained.

That means a trail, road, or two-track leads to the water.

even if no motor access, it is very likely that the water is listed on a map.



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This is the stuff that keeps me from jumpin on the camera bandwagon.

The really shi77y part is that I would bet most of these get stolen by other "hunters". I doubt most non hunters would think to look or even notice a cam, unless it was painfully obvious.

Theres probably some cameras that have been stolen more than once.

No matter what u do to identify them someones going to take it just to be vindictave cause you put it in their spot. Same thing happens with treestands, blinds etc.


It sucks cause we all work really hard for our stuff... theives are the worst.

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I had my camera stolen recently as well. It was almost a mile and a half hike from the truck that was a couple of miles in on a two track road. It was not on water, not on a game trail or anything. It was just a spot that I found and liked what I saw there. They will get them anywhere I guess.



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