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Curtis Reed

Under Armour pisses off hunting community

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I think spearing a big game animal like a black bear would be the bees knees. I don't see how that could be considered "retarted". I say it's frickin awesome!!!


I love when fellow hunters defend their hunting to people, then call someone else's style of LEGAL hunting "retarted". Different strokes for different folks. live and let live. Not sure why hunting styles and preferences stir up so much attitude with some people?


Would I hunt in an elevated stand in Texas with a rifle and an auto feeder 100 yds away? Probably not, but WHO AM I TO TELL THAT GUY THAT HE CAN'T DO THAT? He bought a tag and if he chooses to hunt that way, that is none of my business. Hunters tend to be elitest with tactics, and they think that anyone who does it differently from them are idiots. If you don't like to use bait, don't do it. If you don't like the guy who glasses off the side of the road sitting on an ATV, just wave and continue on. Why does it bother you so much what other people do? Not everyone is a trophy hunter, a lot of people out there are meat hunters and could care less about the score of a set of antlers. The antlers are gravy to some. I dress, butcher and process every ounce of meat myself. My trophy is my smoked jalapeno summer sausage I get from an animal. I dont feel inadequate when I shoot a fork buck becuase I don't care what people think of me. Those who like to hunt for big scores, more power to you. I happy you like to do that.


I know everyone on here means well, but we as hunters need to stop the holier than thou attitude. Hunters are a dying breed. Next time you see someone hauling salt, or glassing off a road, just be happy he/she is out there and wave to them or stop in their camp and share a beer instead of bitching about them to your hunting buddies.


But I guess that doesn't meet every man's difficulty standards. I bet spearing a baited black bear is a whole heck of a lot more challenging that shooting a coues buck feeding at 300 yds away with a high powered rifle and a $1500 scope. You know, the one you spotted with a spotting scope while he was bedded.... bruh.


Good luck this year!

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Since when did spearing a baited animal become cool? I absolutely do not think that anything i don't do is retarded. Spearing a baited bear? Jumping around like an idiot when you do spear a baited animal? He set himself up for social media failure from the get go here. "Fricken awesome"? lol. Get real bruh. There are bears in the zoo that would be harder to kill than that thing.

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I've hunted over dogs on birds, rabbits and wild boar/feral hogs. We dispatched the hogs with a knife. The dogs bayed up the hogs, we ran up and let the catch dogs go. Then we when inot the brush towards the ruckus. My job was to stick the hog, not the dogs. It was the most primal I had ever felt. Btw, it's a legal method of take. As is spear in some states. If you practice and feel comfortable and know your limitations, and it's legal, hunt on!

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I've hunted over dogs on birds, rabbits and wild boar/feral hogs. We dispatched the hogs with a knife. The dogs bayed up the hogs, we ran up and let the catch dogs go. Then we when inot the brush towards the ruckus. My job was to stick the hog, not the dogs. It was the most primal I had ever felt. Btw, it's a legal method of take. As is spear in some states. If you practice and feel comfortable and know your limitations, and it's legal, hunt on!

And that's more fair chase than this bear that's conditioned to bait and humans. Have you seen the video? He could have walked out a stabbed it. I'm not agains it, or think they shouldn't be allowed to do it. It just looks as much like hunting as kicking my lap dog. Grayghost is right if you want have 250k followers online don't do retarded stuff that makes you a target. Not everyone can be Tim wells

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So, that dude was out there for the meat? That's what it was? He did it because he isn't a trophy hunter? Homeboy did it because he's rich and got bored with shooting baited animals with a bow so he decided he should try to spear a baited bear. Plain and simple. To each their own, but he knew what he was getting himself into. And fyi, standing next to an animal's food bowl does not take skill........

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Just because I wouldn't hunt over bait, doesn't mean nobody should. I support any and all hunters that follow the laws in the region they are hunting. UA can suckered it!

i agree with you.


I have a lot of UA stuff. I like it. I will keep buying it.


What I won't do is buy a $250 pair of pants because its the status symbol camo of the day.

keep telling yourself those $75 UA pants are as nice as my $150 sitka ascents.



Eddie Murphy - You look mighty cute in them jeans boy

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The real outrage should be toward people like Ricky Gervais who spear headed (no pun intended) the UA revolt from mostly Europeans.

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Thought UA was the Wildcat's. Screw all that opinionated name brand stuff.

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I've hunted over dogs on birds, rabbits and wild boar/feral hogs. We dispatched the hogs with a knife. The dogs bayed up the hogs, we ran up and let the catch dogs go. Then we when inot the brush towards the ruckus. My job was to stick the hog, not the dogs. It was the most primal I had ever felt. Btw, it's a legal method of take. As is spear in some states. If you practice and feel comfortable and know your limitations, and it's legal, hunt on!

And that's more fair chase than this bear that's conditioned to bait and humans. Have you seen the video? He could have walked out a stabbed it. I'm not agains it, or think they shouldn't be allowed to do it. It just looks as much like hunting as kicking my lap dog. Grayghost is right if you want have 250k followers online don't do retarded stuff that makes you a target. Not everyone can be Tim wells

What do we say to people that shoot animals at 1000+ yards or the guys that hunt muzzle loader with the 500yard muzzle loader, or guys who hunt gut piles for coyotes? I'm sticking with "if it's a legal method of take and it flips your switch, hunt on!" Except for guys that hunt lions and bear with dogs. That's chicken sh÷t! Probably the worst excuse for fair chase... just yanking your chain. I support them too!

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I've hunted over dogs on birds, rabbits and wild boar/feral hogs. We dispatched the hogs with a knife. The dogs bayed up the hogs, we ran up and let the catch dogs go. Then we when inot the brush towards the ruckus. My job was to stick the hog, not the dogs. It was the most primal I had ever felt. Btw, it's a legal method of take. As is spear in some states. If you practice and feel comfortable and know your limitations, and it's legal, hunt on!

And that's more fair chase than this bear that's conditioned to bait and humans. Have you seen the video? He could have walked out a stabbed it. I'm not agains it, or think they shouldn't be allowed to do it. It just looks as much like hunting as kicking my lap dog. Grayghost is right if you want have 250k followers online don't do retarded stuff that makes you a target. Not everyone can be Tim wells

What do we say to people that shoot animals at 1000+ yards or the guys that hunt muzzle loader with the 500yard muzzle loader, or guys who hunt gut piles for coyotes? I'm sticking with "if it's a legal method of take and it flips your switch, hunt on!" Except for guys that hunt lions and bear with dogs. That's chicken sh÷t! Probably the worst excuse for fair chase... just yanking your chain. I support them too!


youre absolutely right. its just not for me. i dont go out of my way to bad mouth it, were just talking about in this thread.

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UA should have stood their ground, these things always blow over. Guess the antis make up more of their sales then we do.


I've always wanted to try and spear a javelina, not sure why just seems like a find hunt. I shot one at 5 yards with my recurve a few years back and it sparked the idea.


Legal and unethical can be two different things, long depart over a cold one I guess.....

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People hunt animals over "bait" all the time. Water holes, doves on fields, deer in oak stands, ducks/geese over ponds, coyotes over carcasses, etc.

Many states allow baiting. No way was this a tame bear. Tame would be the high fence canned hunts where the animals associate humans with food, not a 55 gallon drum with food. That bear wanted the people out, not walk right up to them for a handout. 14"+ of penetration with a 3" wide cutting surface equals a dead bear quick. Just as fast as a broad head I am sure.


Humans have been killing bears ever since we could think of a way to sharpen a stick. Why not continue if you have the cojones to do so? This guy was more efficient than a lot of people here who shoot an animal with a rifle or bow and can't recover it. Just saying.

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I will say that I used to bait bears in WY and it actually is a ton of work for the person maintaining the bait. I spent more time hauling bait to the site on those hunts then I did scouting for any other hunt I've ever had.

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People cry when we use too much tech and say it isn't hunting


Then they cry when a person does not use enough tech and call it cruel


People suck.

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