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3rd CWT Fun Shoot "Rimfire Roundup" (.22LR Only, 50 Yards)

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​If you would rather get a PDF sent of the target, PM me your email address and I will send it out. You can print your own and shoot them, then mail it back to me.


I have the target all made up. I am going to limit this to 40 members, in addition to any and all kids who want to shoot with you, the more kids, the merrier. It is a single page target.

Still a 10 shot target. 8 individual targets. One being a 3 shot group, 200 points minus group size. Same rules as last time. But to be shot at 50 yards. No confidence shot this time, as some of you forgot that shot last time. Still the first shot is a cold bore shot.

All targets hit get at least 5 points. Red rings add points. Stars get a 10 point bonus.

Here are the individual targets that are in the shoot. Most are close to the sizes shown. The Jackalope is much smaller, and the 3 shot group outline is 6"x6", so a bit bigger.

Cutoff for sign up is May 31st or until 40 people sign up. Shooting deadline and targets mailed back to me by June 28th.

See here for rules:

Here is the official thread to sign up for the 3rd "CWT Online Fun Shoot".

Post if you are wanting a target to be mailed to you. Then PM me with your address where you want it sent. One per shooter please. 40 spaces available. First come, first served. I will give this until May 31st for signup. I will start mailing out targets by end of this week hopefully as people sign up and PM me their addresses. Shooting deadline and targets must be mailed back and received by June 28th. I will not post scores w. names until all targets are back in or shortly after the deadline. But I will post up when targets start trickling back in.

Also, post your rifle's specs, ammo specs, scope/open sights, etc. A picture of your rifle would be cool too. Please read all of the procedures below thoroughly.

Targets are shot FROM THE GROUND or BENCH at 50 yards only. This means you can shoot prone, standing, kneeling or sitting if you choose. Post a photo of your setup on this thread when you are shooting.

***The target(s) will come folded in thirds with the center section (CBS*) facing out.

The targets MUST STAY FOLDED as I send it until the first shot is fired at the center CBS circle.

***The first shot and ONLY THE FIRST SHOT is to be fired at the ring marked "CBS" -you will denote on the back of the target whether or not it was a true CBS* (see definition below).

AFTER you shoot your CBS* you must walk out to the backstop and unfold the target. It will now have 3 holes in it from your first shot.

- This will show that the second shot was not taken directly after the first because the target needed unfolded before firing the second shot. This also adds a bit of stress and makes you disturb our position


NOW, the target is unfolded and still mounted at 50yds. Shoot the rest of the targets at your convenience.

***You can shoot your REQUIRED 3-SHOT GROUP* at any time, in any order after the target is opened up.

ALLOWED: Front Bipod/rucksack/sandbags/beanbags. Beanbags, and bunny-ear bags MAY be used in the rear no rear monopods.
NOT ALLOWED: mechanical/tripod style bench rests (front or rear), including but not limited to Hart/Sinclair/Bald Eagle/Protector/Hoppe's/Caldwell etc. No "Lead Sleds" or micro-adjustable rests. - IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PM ME
***THERE ARE NO RIFLE OR WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS*** Other than .22LR cartridge limitation There will be separate classes for open sights and scoped rifles. Also, a Jr. division so you can get your kids involved.
***Also an added bonus for hitting the other strategically placed stars. See target for the added star points (+10 where applicable)
Groups over 2-inch will not add to or affect your score at all.
Your group size will be subtracted from 2" and multiplied by 100 to give you the value added to your score
Group = 0.750"
Difference from 2" = 1.250"
1.250 x 100 = 125
So a 0.5" group would add 150pts, 0.25" group would add 175pts, 1" group adds 100 pts, 1.5" group adds 50 pts, etc.
Multiple ring targets get the highest point ring hit.


*CBS: (Cold Bore Shot) concerning your FIRST SHOT at the "CBS" circle on the target. To be an honest "true CBS" this must be the first shot from the gun THAT DAY. The gun MAY be fouled and sighted in the prior day, but if you are claiming a CBS, it must be the first shot that day. A TRUE CBS IS NOT REQUIRED, BUT IS A BETTER TEST OF PERSONAL AND EQUIPMENT ABILITIES.
--fire ONLY 3 shots at the diamond aiming point at any time after the target is unfolded

​On the back of your target, please write the rifle info, and round info, along with name and username. Mail them back to me after you are done. I will score them and post results.

I had a few slight adjustments to this target, but here is the new one. We hung one at 50 yards off my back patio, and realized I needed to make a few changes.



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Scoped Rifle Class:


Lancetkenyon - Tactical Solutions 10/22 w. Zeiss 3-9 scope

Shooter McGavin - CZ452 American w. scope

TAC - PWS Summit w. BSA

Big Browns (& Pops) - Anschutz (big ballers) w. scopes

Mike S. - Rem 541T w. scope

Muledeerarea33? - Mossberg w. Bushy scope

5GuysHunting - 10/22 w. scope

BigEinaz - .22 w. scope



Open Sights Class:



CJL2010 - Springfield 120A

Hoss50 - Winchester 69A

GreyGhost85 - Winchester 52

AZDiamondHeat - Ruger Buckmark



Jr. Class (under 16 years old):


Taylor Kenyon - Ruger 10/22 w. scope (might drop one of my scopes on it)

AZDiamondHeat's daughter - Broke in Marlin with Schmidt & Bender PMII 3-27 Hi Power

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I'm in. Open sights please. Will post pic later. And promise to mail back to the correct address this time!!


Found an old picture

Springfield model 120apost-13407-0-99227800-1495073908_thumb.jpg

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I will go with open sights for my official target.


I will probably copy the target so I can shoot it scoped for fun, and my buddy will want to take a crack at this too.



Harley Smith - Open Sights - Winchester 69A

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I've been really looking for a reason to shoot my 22 bench rest. Put me in as well Lance.


Open sights- Winchester 75 target

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I'm in please, scoped target


CZ 452 American 22lr (pics later today)

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sign me up please

PWS summit series rifle with a cheap bsa sweet 22 rifle scope.

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My dad and I are in with a scoped Anschutz.

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I'm in. My daughter too. open sights for me and scope for daughter in jr class


Me - Ruger Buckmark


Daughter - 900yr old marlin with top of the line tasco 3x.....

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Lance, out of curiosity why don;t you upload this as a pdf and have everyone print their own? Save you a lot of time and mailing costs.

Adam has been trying to talk me into this too. So if you want a PDF emailed to you, shoot me your email address by PM and I will send it over. This goes for any and all takers. I can still snail mail them out to those that want them.

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Got some targets emailed out today. Let me know how they print out, in case I need to make any alterations.

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