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Public Range Frustration

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I went to Usery Mountain yesterday to do my barrel break in. I like the range because it is less than 15 minutes from my house, so it is convenient. I arrived before they opened to get my targets set up before the range went hot the first time. Some guys showed up next to me while the range was "hot" the first time. They proceeded to get their SKS rifle out with no targets set up. They then proceeded to rapid fire the SKS, hitting my target with 5 rounds. I didn't know they hit my target at first because I was busy cleaning my rifle between shot strings. I was pissed to say the least and let them know about it. The group on the other side of me pulled out their arsenal of AR15's and let the lead fly. Their spent casings were raining on me while I was trying to shoot. I asked them to set up a net, but there weren't any more nets available. It was annoying. My targets were being pelted all day with rocks and debris that were being sent my way from other shooters. Frustrating. I was all cleaned up and ready to shoot my last 5 shots and just waiting for the range to go hot again. I wasn't paying attention to the guys next to me while the range was cold, I was busy organizing my shooting gear and cleaning supplies. When the range went hot, I stepped up to the bench to shoot my last string and realized the guys next to me set up a target at 50 yards directly in front of my target. I had to sit on the sidelines until the range went cold then hot again. I was pissed and let these idiots know about it.


This day was completely frustrating. I need to go through the process of becoming a member and shooting in their competitions so I can get on their 500 yard range. I really have no interest in competitions, I just want a place that is shaded, close to my house and has a solid shooting platform.

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I hate the range for the exact reasons you are frustrated with. It's a broad brushstroke but it seems like "every single person" that takes those Columbian drug runner guns and or their fancier more sophisticated "AR" cousins always are annoying.


No offense to those types of gun owners that are considerate. I just don't notice you. You consideration secures your anonymity.

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I had a similar experience last year. Was sighting in scope on a new rifle, took a break waiting for range to go cold, and then some guy from 2 spots over decides he liked my target and starts shooting at it. When I realized he was shooting my target, I let him know that I wasn't happy. The discussion became somewhat heated. Then the range master makes me move, when I was there first, and he was the one shooting my target. Man was I pissed. Haven't gone back to Usery since.

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I was a member there once. I thought I could use the 500 yard range and rim fire range. Nope. I have to go through the competitions which are only one time per month or something like that. Then you have to take about three of them. Total waste of time. Believe me, I understand their thought. Too many fools out there to have a free for all at all of the ranges, so they keep a tight leash on the public where they can. I begged to pay more or to have them test me for about a month to see if I can handle it. They wouldn't budge. If anyone knows a way around their rule about participating in competitions, please pm me. It's a nice range and close for me too.

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Spend the 50 bucks and come up to Payson. I shot yesterday morning for 2 hours by myself and went home to load more and shot again in the evening by myself. Plus it's 10 degrees cooler and the mountain air will be good for you.

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The absolute best thing you can do is find a place in the desert, take your bench, target and awning and shoot there.

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if you live 15 minutes from usery you live 30 minutes from multiple places to shoot in the desert. but i think it is no shooting right now in in the tonto

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Spend the 50 bucks and come up to Payson. I shot yesterday morning for 2 hours by myself and went home to load more and shot again in the evening by myself. Plus it's 10 degrees cooler and the mountain air will be good for you.

Is this the Jim Jones Range? What kind of distances can you shoot?

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Spend the 50 bucks and come up to Payson. I shot yesterday morning for 2 hours by myself and went home to load more and shot again in the evening by myself. Plus it's 10 degrees cooler and the mountain air will be good for you.

Is this the Jim Jones Range? What kind of distances can you shoot?

Never mind, you must be referring to Jim Jones. Just looked it up. Looks like they go to 300 for members. I may just have to do that.

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I got scolded like a child for putting a sand bag on my paper targets when a dust devil hit to keep them from flying away, during a "cold range" last weekend. smh.

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I got scolded like a child for putting a sand bag on my paper targets when a dust devil hit to keep them from flying away, during a "cold range" last weekend. smh.

I've noticed it's night and day how they run the range during the week compared to weekends

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Spend the 50 bucks and come up to Payson. I shot yesterday morning for 2 hours by myself and went home to load more and shot again in the evening by myself. Plus it's 10 degrees cooler and the mountain air will be good for you.

Is this the Jim Jones Range? What kind of distances can you shoot?
Never mind, you must be referring to Jim Jones. Just looked it up. Looks like they go to 300 for members. I may just have to do that.

Yup, Jim Jones. 300 is the longest you can shoot. They have 2 concrete benches on the 200/300 range and the rest are decent shooting benches. Saturday's are busy since it's open to the public but the 200/300 range is members only. Weekdays and sundays are fairly quiet for the most part. Most the traffic is law enforcement on the pistol bays.

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