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Hunting's Next Perversion

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Brad Pitt took on a grizzly with just a knife. If he can do it and all you girly men with trail cams and quads cant, that is pretty sad. I myself prefer to stare em to death.

My glare is so intimidating that whenever I tried to use trail cams they would shatter on the selfie test picture. Now I just shake the pines and make them tell me where the deer are. I'd post a picture to prove it but I dont want to be responsible for all the broken computer monitors.


I NEVER thought I would read "selfie" on this site. That is a perversion in itself!



Ohh come off it. Everyone that's ever used a trailcam has a selfie shot to test the aim..... right??? Guys??? It's not just me, right...... :unsure:

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Brad Pitt took on a grizzly with just a knife. If he can do it and all you girly men with trail cams and quads cant, that is pretty sad. I myself prefer to stare em to death.

My glare is so intimidating that whenever I tried to use trail cams they would shatter on the selfie test picture. Now I just shake the pines and make them tell me where the deer are. I'd post a picture to prove it but I dont want to be responsible for all the broken computer monitors.


I NEVER thought I would read "selfie" on this site. That is a perversion in itself!



Ohh come off it. Everyone that's ever used a trailcam has a selfie shot to test the aim..... right??? Guys??? It's not just me, right...... :unsure:



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Brad Pitt took on a grizzly with just a knife. If he can do it and all you girly men with trail cams and quads cant, that is pretty sad. I myself prefer to stare em to death.

My glare is so intimidating that whenever I tried to use trail cams they would shatter on the selfie test picture. Now I just shake the pines and make them tell me where the deer are. I'd post a picture to prove it but I dont want to be responsible for all the broken computer monitors.


I NEVER thought I would read "selfie" on this site. That is a perversion in itself!



Ohh come off it. Everyone that's ever used a trailcam has a selfie shot to test the aim..... right??? Guys??? It's not just me, right...... :unsure:




:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I was putting a battery in my backhoe and got an email telling me to look at this thread because phony tony was at it again and have everbuddy mad at each other. I'm sure I'll be banned for life after this but hopefully a few folks will get to read it before it gets nuked. I gave up on this site a long time ago because it became painfully apparent there were a lotta fence riders and out and out liars on the big tag grab legislation that was dangerously close to passing. That and being censored by one of the guys leading the charge was more than I wanted to deal with. So here we go. And I don't care anything about drones. Big f'in deal. When are you guys gonna figger out who the h e l l phony tony is? He's the official water packer for the azgfd. Plain and simple. He ain't a hunter. If he was he wouldn't have to have a buncha guides to get him on a sheep that wouldn't have been legal a few years ago when there was a 3/4 curl minimum. He's never shot anything that somebody didn't pack his lame butt to. He starts this crap and then retreats to his own little world thinking how cute and smart he is. Like the old saying, those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. In chiclet tooth tonys case it's, those who can hunt do, those who can't, like phony tony, write lame stories. Or sit around and try to get other folks to fight with each other. The guy does whatever the azgfd tells him to do. Look at the hack job he pulled on lance awhile back. What a punk. The guy has never had a relevant thought of his own. He's the king of cut and paste. When I did a point by point counter on the bogus lead poisoning of the condors he accused me of being a drunk and getting a 10 year old to write for me. Now he's got all you guys fighting with each other over something that doesn't matter. All because his handlers sic'd him on it. Phony tony is a joke. You guys take a long look at his record. Cut and paste. That's all he can do. I'll bet he calls AAA when he gets a flat on his minivan. If ya blind folded the moron and spun him around 3 times in an empty parking lot he'd hafta cal 911 to get rescued. Anyone on this site has done more and has more experience than this phony. Look at things for what they are. And anything this loser writes is pure bs. He says and does whatever the azgfd tells him, when they tell him. Don't let one con artist get you to fight with each other. I'm sure I'll never be allowed here again, but oh well. I have a lot o' work to do on the new Rancho Neglecto and still spend a lotta time building and repairing giant projects that are putting thousands of folks to work. So it ain't like I'm bored. Good luck and hunt hard. Do things that are good for the outdoors and don't listen to phony tonys. Lark


I don't know how I missed this one but I was asked if I had read Larks post here on Tony's thread and I said no. Let me make it clear that I'm not here to defend Tony's thread, yes he could have used another word besides perversion, but I am here to defend him as a friend.


Lark, I have always liked reading your posts. You certainly have a way with words that make for some amusing and interesing stories without a doubt. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say you were missed and it's good to see ya back. I don't know nor do I care what happened between the two of you that would prompt the name calling but I would not think looser, moron, lame butt, punk, water packer, con artist or the phony Tony that was used 6 times in your post has a place on a family discussion forum especially here on cwt. Like I said earlier I'm not here to defend Tony's thread but to defend the man that brought me alot of enjoyment thru the many stories and articles I read over the years after moving here from Ohio in the early 70's. I actually lived out some of his adventures in my mind as I read his writings. I can't imagine that much hate in a person Lark. Tony isn't any of them things and he has brought and shared alot of information to this site as you have as well. You both have been great assests to coueswhitetail and I am glad to have known you both thru your many post and look froward to many more. Let's leave the name calling for the kids.


I talked with Tony after I read this and I can assure you he meant no harm and surely didn't post this to start a fight or make anyone mad. Yes, Tony and his lovely wife Ellen are friends of mine and I have his back just like I would for any of my other friends. :)



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Good post TJ. I Have read lots of Tony's stuff over the years, if He can make a living doing it ,more power to Him. I don't know Him either. Most writers have enemies cause We all have different theories..............BOB!

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As always, I will ask everyone that if you want to disagree with someone in the forum, please do so without bashing and making personal attacks. I think TJ summed it up very well.....You don't have to agree with Tony, but please don't resort to name calling. Tony is a longtime member and contributes a lot of great information to this forum. Name calling is unproductive and unnecessary to making your arguments, please stick to the issue and not the poster. Also, please remember we strive to keep this a family friendly forum....please be careful about what photos and words you post. I have had many fathers tell me they especially enjoy this forum because they don't have to worry about what their kids will read or see here.


On the topic at hand, I have a drone and love it! But I don't find it useful for scouting. Mine has a range of about 1/2 a mile and I can climb a hill and glass a lot farther and a lot faster than this drone can. Plus I can see a lot more detail when glassing then by go pro video. Of course there are more expensive versions of drones that could be effective at scouting but those are not the same as the easy to use lower priced ones that most hobbyists are using.


here is the a link to the video I made and posted previously


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Oh no, did poor widdow tony get his widdow feewings hurt? I'm so sorry. If there are gonna be rules about name calling then tony would be a good guy to start with the new policy with. Go back and look at all the crap he has said to anyone that ever disagreed with him. Smarmy little back shooter comments to anyone who doubts his superior opinion. And if you are ever critical of the azgfd he really gets defensive. Wonder why that is? Hmmmmm? Big deal. Life is hard, it's a lot harder if you're stupid. And harder yet if you wanna live your life bashing folks with your keyboard and then get offended when somebody shoots back. Grow a backbone. Like I always say, opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one and everbody thinks there's is the only one that doesn't stink. Few people have the same opinion about anything. It's called freedom. Lark.

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That drone kicks butt:) I want one. Do they make one that comes with the camera? or do you have to buy a gopro?

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That drone kicks butt:) I want one. Do they make one that comes with the camera? or do you have to buy a gopro?


I added the GoPro to mine, but they make them with built in cams.


Google DJI Phantom quadcopter and you can see the different models.

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Tony, where are you? Sent you several Private Messages with my phone number and email over two months ago...still waiting for a response...let me know if you don't use telephones I can send a message by carrier pigeon.

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Tony, where are you? Sent you several Private Messages with my phone number and email over two months ago...still waiting for a response...let me know if you don't use telephones I can send a message by carrier pigeon.

smoke signals .. maybe ???

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