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Safe location

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big difference between a pool table that spreads its weight out across 5-6 floor trusses while a 800-1000 pound gun safe will only spread its weight out across 2 floor trusses tops.


ever hear of truss deflection?


im also real curious to see how it would go over trying to drag a 800-1000 pound gun safe up a set of wood framed stairs in a production house that's framed out of 2x12 for stringers, 3/4 osb for risers and 1" compressed board for stair treads. not to mention if there is a landing that's framed out of 2x6 rafters and 3/4" decking


The only way to correctly find out is to get a set of the truss calcs and talk to the engineer who stamped them from the truss company. but as some one who frames over 300 plus houses a year across this valley for some of the biggest home builders I think youre just waisting your time on this subject.

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In AZ we dont have basements but back east they do. There must be a way to have a safe on a wood floor. Now getting it up there is a problem. Put it to some construction guy back east or the safe manufacture. If we get another communist in the white house we are going to have to hide our guns in a underground vault anyway.

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Just have my ex girlfriend over and test the floor. I can give you her number



Pretty sure she has been staying with trphyhntr



fat chicks try harder






Ya look up the build and truss size and see what the spread is and you can calc pounds per square inch. Placing it on a sheet of 3/4 ply will spread the weight a lot and you should be fine. My ex slept upstairs and she never fell through. The hard part is getting it up there

That's what they make Viagra for.


flatlander is on fire today lmao.


i have some fat chick and viagra stories too, but its too early on a sunday to be telling those.

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I'm thinking about putting one of my safes upstairs. It's 800 pounds empty and close to 1000 or a little more. The floor should hold up right?

I would put down a double layer of 3/4" ply wood down to distribute the weight across 2 or 3 studs/trusses. It will be fine. Might compress your carpet a little. But no biggie. Just find out the spread on your trusses/studs. If it's 16" better. I would cut the two peices of plywood accords 3 of them. 24" spread will require a little bigger piece of plywood. Home Depot or Lowes will cut the wood to your dimensions.

Good luck

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Looks like we got a bunch of comedians today .. haha.


As far as the safe goes.. it is definitely questionable and I would search out a main support beam and do your best to place the safe ontop of that. Best of luck! Let us know how you end up accomplishing this task if you do decide to.

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Also consider that your house might get tweaked a little someday - however slightly. It doesn't take much to shift weight-bearing walls if you have some subsidence or seismic activity. Then gravity can get in its dirty licks. A structural engineer could tell you in about 15 min. might cost $75 - $125. Maybe nothing if it is a quick calc. or something they have done before.



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I'd stay clear of the second floor if you live in a mass produced tract house. I've seen some of that work lol. If you build your own then you can turn vaulted ceilings into a loft or second story any time. Because you set pillars in the slab and took pictures of their location and know the bearing load of your walls and truss's. I'm just saying!

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Never would I put a safe up on a second story. Just like a water bed, never do it.

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After hearing muledeerarea, that's definitely true.. if it's a "Cheap" house then definitely avoid the 2nd floor.

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Longshooter knows his stuff. Nuff.said. Now back to the fat girl issue. I don't think He knows bout them. Me neither, but there sure is alot of em up here in dakota...................BOB!

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