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Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

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On 12/3/2020 at 11:13 AM, ShutYourLib said:

I don’t post often, and usually side with the “we don’t need any more regulation” side of the house. That said, there are some problems with game cameras. If you have ever been on a hunt in a trophy unit, where there are multiple guide services representing clients, it really sucks. There are 15+ cameras on every water source, the guides then send in large groups of people to check all of the cameras early each morning, then they radio the team to head where the big bucks were last seen, then they post glassers on every hilltop for a couple of miles from that mornings pictures. It makes it very difficult for a do it yourself hunter.  I have no idea how to fix that, and don’t like regulation, but seeing that firsthand was the first time I thought that something needed to be done.  

I agree here. These "camera checkers" do interfere with the average hunter. I've experienced it. At Noon, a parade of "camera checkers" at a spot you are actively hunting. This, to me, is unethical but more laws on the books do not solve ethical problems.

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Only negative thing i have to say about cams is this:

Few years back I had a buddy prone, behind the 28, with a 110-115" buck at 600. He needed one more step and we had all day.....until a bunch of does hauled asss past him and he took off. 

Turned out a dude was checking his came at the mouth of the canyon and jumped those does. 

That pissed me off.

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12 minutes ago, SirRoyal said:

Kurt Davis  the chairman of the commissioners is very staunch anti trail cam fan .

I admire him tho because he voted with the rest of the Commissioners in 2018 realizing there wasnt enough support for it at that time and tabled it in spite of his objections.

Maybe now he thinks he has enough support at this time to pull off a trailcam ban. I just hope Todd Geiler and the other commissioners aren't swayed by his thinking. 

One of the commissioners called all the Record books such as B&C and Pope &Young and Safari Club and Longhunter Society. Everyone of them said Trail Cameras are not a Fair Chair issue. 

Game and Fish is using that very issue (Fair Chase) to back their claims. Also Someone may have got smart and threw in the Anti Hunting organizations are coming after us on it so we might as well get proactive on it.  I believe this came  came from State Legislators that have powerful Ranching lobbyists  and other Lobbyist putting pressure on them! 


If you watched the meeting Kurt Davis wasn't the one who initiated the call for the vote to start the ban.  It was a commissioner that said he probably had more trail cams on one ridge than everyone else in the room and he felt it was time for regulation.  There will be no break in the ranks this time they voted 5-0 and knew exactly what they were voting on.  

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4 minutes ago, 654321 said:

If you watched the meeting Kurt Davis wasn't the one who initiated the call for the vote to start the ban.  It was a commissioner that said he probably had more trail cams on one ridge than everyone else in the room and he felt it was time for regulation.  There will be no break in the ranks this time they voted 5-0 and knew exactly what they were voting on.  

Yep all pre planned! I had to finish a job so couldnt keep watching. It had to be Geiler though

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7 minutes ago, firstcoueswas80 said:

What i can't wrap my head around, is why sportsmen would support taking away something from other sportsmen, just because they "don't like it".


Level the playing field? Get out of here. 

Whats next, being upset because someone has 3 friends hunting with them when you have only 1 or 2?

It being "unfair" because some one has swarovskis and you have Vortex? (That warranty though).


Life isn't fair.

Life isn't equal. 

Deal with it.


But to go after a tool someone utilizes, but you don't.... Sounds a lot like socialism in the hunting community to me.

I support all legal methods of hunting, even if I don't participate.

I dont hunt with a muzzeloader, but im not trying to get the 500+ yard muzzeloaders banned.

Very childish and immature behavior.

LOL. Nice try.  I use trail cameras, I muzzleloader hunt. I bow hunt. I rifle hunt.  If you support all legal methods of hunting, you will soon support not using trail cameras.  The only ones who are upset, are the guys that depend on cameras to kill animals.  If you can step out of your bubble and look at things from other's point of view it may help.

I personally have seen how easy hunting is with cellular trail cams.  In the eastern/ midwest states, they use them extensively and it makes killing animals easier 100%.  Those were legal here 2 years ago.  Do you not think that companies are always trying to invent things to make hunting even easier?  When you hunt different states and see how their rules affect their game, it will open your eyes to a lot of new things.  Alaska's Wan Ton waste rules are strict as heck and it HELPS prevent wildlife waste.  North Dakota's ML rules allow no more than a 1x scope and it helps keep muzzleloaders more primitive.  In North Dakota, there are VERY few surprise animals that show up anymore.  Chances are, you or your neighbor has pics of him.  This same thing is happening in certain units here.  dang near EVERY big deer is known about with multiple guys knowing his where abouts with very little effort.    Animal populations are on the down swing, so a little bit of conservation and restriction is not always a bad thing.  

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5 minutes ago, HuntHarder said:

LOL. Nice try.  I use trail cameras, I muzzleloader hunt. I bow hunt. I rifle hunt.  If you support all legal methods of hunting, you will soon support not using trail cameras.  The only ones who are upset, are the guys that depend on cameras to kill animals.  If you can step out of your bubble and look at things from other's point of view it may help.

I personally have seen how easy hunting is with cellular trail cams.  In the eastern/ midwest states, they use them extensively and it makes killing animals easier 100%.  Those were legal here 2 years ago.  Do you not think that companies are always trying to invent things to make hunting even easier?  When you hunt different states and see how their rules affect their game, it will open your eyes to a lot of new things.  Alaska's Wan Ton waste rules are strict as heck and it HELPS prevent wildlife waste.  North Dakota's ML rules allow no more than a 1x scope and it helps keep muzzleloaders more primitive.  In North Dakota, there are VERY few surprise animals that show up anymore.  Chances are, you or your neighbor has pics of him.  This same thing is happening in certain units here.  dang near EVERY big deer is known about with multiple guys knowing his where abouts with very little effort.    Animal populations are on the down swing, so a little bit of conservation and restriction is not always a bad thing.  

I've never used a camera in my life.  

I think your reading comprehension didn't process my statement correctly.

I don't want ANYTHING banned. Period end of story.


Animal numbers are on the down swing.


Agree. But do you really think cameras are to blame? Or the thousands and thousands of tags given out every year,  that never decrease, only increase?

Don't you think most people/guides/outfitters that use cameras use them to kill an older class of animal, who has passed on his genes?

I dont know too many people who use cameras and kill forks and spikes. 

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5 minutes ago, HuntHarder said:

LOL. Nice try.  I use trail cameras, I muzzleloader hunt. I bow hunt. I rifle hunt.  If you support all legal methods of hunting, you will soon support not using trail cameras.  The only ones who are upset, are the guys that depend on cameras to kill animals.  If you can step out of your bubble and look at things from other's point of view it may help.

I personally have seen how easy hunting is with cellular trail cams.  In the eastern/ midwest states, they use them extensively and it makes killing animals easier 100%.  Those were legal here 2 years ago.  Do you not think that companies are always trying to invent things to make hunting even easier?  When you hunt different states and see how their rules affect their game, it will open your eyes to a lot of new things.  Alaska's Wan Ton waste rules are strict as heck and it HELPS prevent wildlife waste.  North Dakota's ML rules allow no more than a 1x scope and it helps keep muzzleloaders more primitive.  In North Dakota, there are VERY few surprise animals that show up anymore.  Chances are, you or your neighbor has pics of him.  This same thing is happening in certain units here.  dang near EVERY big deer is known about with multiple guys knowing his where abouts with very little effort.    Animal populations are on the down swing, so a little bit of conservation and restriction is not always a bad thing.  

I am upset and I’ve never even seen an animal in real life that I’ve had on cam. They’re just fun. 

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Cameras absolutely 100% increase the odds of an animal being killed.  I used to run 10-20 cameras between my buddy and I.  It 100% helped us narrow down an area to hunt.  I have killed plenty of non- trophy class animals that I had on camera.  I was hunting that area because I had bigger animals on camera, but they do not get that big being dumb.  In my experience, I have never killed a giant that I had on camera here in Az.  In ND, we usually shoot the bigger animals we have on camera because it is a lot more private land.  


Do not get me wrong, I love to use trail cams.  I just see the problem they create and it is only getting bigger as the years go on.  Animal #'s are on the decline for many different reasons but I do think hunter technology advancement has contributed to the issue.  Do you think we let technology keep advancing and never make new laws?  It's just a matter of time before a company skirts some laws on the books and comes out with the next game changer.  Airbows, smokeless MLer's to name a few. 

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15 hours ago, elkaholic said:

So all the time and money invested in the training ,the skills and the knowledge involved in having game wardens in the field. Their time will be spent chasing down and findng hunters and guides  and charge them with a crime for taking pictures of animals.

Think about it !

Like there isn't more important issues!



What a waste of valuable manpower.

Exactly, certified peace officer and wildlife biologist going to play camera cop. Dumb as heck!

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I have some cameras that will now be sitting in my cupboards when this goes through.  But it's not going to affect me or my hunting in any way.  I'm still putting boots to the ground and finding my game.  I did perfectly fine without them when they didn't exist.

Politics are always going to change from year to year. Now you can choose to be a camera law breaker or follow the rules.  Always a choice!  

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I really doubt this will stop cameras from being used. It will cut down cameras on tanks .

How much time,  Energy. Resources will be wasted by wardens going to all tanks , water holes accross this state. 

How are they going to catch anyone or even know who's camera it is.

Or will  the warden sit for hrs  even days  to give a citation 

He may have to put up his own camera to try to get a picture of offender .  

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