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Found 154 results

  1. I have a bull tag in units 3a/3c this year and am debating on trying the Phat Head S.O.B 100 grain because of the amazing toughness of the Phat head blades and the extra cutting capacity. I wouldn't normally consider going with a mechanical for bull elk but this one seems to be as "fail safe" as they come and I am hoping the blades will fly like my field points. I was impressed by the youtube video in which they shot several mechanicals through metal barrels and most of the mechanical blew up or were severely damaged. I know the key is sharpness and placement and flight on each individual setup. I will be using an Elite Energy 35 set at 70 lbs and want something that is capable at longer ranges if needed. Only downside to these broadheads is price at $45 for 3!! But how often do you get a bull tag? Has anyone used this broadhead?
  2. Wrk2Hnt

    Results by phone

    Just called and got my Mid-Winter draw results.................... Not kidding!
  3. Hey y'all, I am new to the state of Arizona and the West in general. Grew up hunting in Ohio, so I am not too familiar with the elevations elk and mule deer hang out in this time of year when they are dropping their antlers. I live around 7000 feet in the Flagstaff area, and I am going to head out tomorrow to look for some sheds. I just plan on finding a more remote area and hiking quite a few miles to see what I can find. Any suggestions on elevations I should hike around? Or does it not really matter? Thanks!
  4. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Some recent work...Pic heavy

    Been a while since we posted any work on here, so here aresome of the mounts we have sent home recently.... First the kids...these 4 bucks all all youth deer. Nice Desert Mulie... Archery Bull finished up.... And a nice Pronghorn done for a Coueswhitetail member.....
  5. AZHNTR67

    European Elk Mount

    For sale is my unit 9 Bull Elk European Mount - Moving and no room - First $150 takes it home. This was professionally done at Signature Taxidermy! Thank you! Call or Text: 602-525-9988
  6. AZHog

    Meat Hunting Time

    It's just about time for those of us with late rifle cow tags to finally get out in the woods. It's been great reading all of successful, and not as successful, hunting stories this year. Thanks to everyone for sharing stories and pics. For those of us with late rifle cow tags, it's finally time to get out and enjoy time in God's great creation. My hunting partner and I will be up in unit 9 starting tomorrow night. Who else is heading out for the late rifle cow "meat" hunt?
  7. azelkhunter69

    Zandora's 6x6

    Like a lot of other people, this is my first time trying to post a picture and I have no idea if it will work. This is my wife's 2nd bull in 4 years. She has had quite the run the last few years. Drew her first bull tag in 2011, shot a 6x5 and got her picture on the 2012 Elk and Antelope reg. booklet. Drew the same tag the next year and again this year. 3 bull tags in 4 years...must be nice. Proud of her, she came through and filled the freezer so I don't have to eat beef this winter. Went to my favorite spot the 2nd morning and spotted this bull down the hill before we even sat down. He was just standing there looking around. My wife sat down and got ready to shoot. He was facing up the hill and didn't provide a great shot so I told her we would just be patient and wait for a good shot. He finally moved, but moved behind some trees. I couldn't see him but my wife could...barely. After what seemed to be an eternity, another bull steps into the opening the 1st bull was in at the beginning. I start telling my wife there is another bull now but she can't see him. She is focused on the first bull. Eventually the first, and bigger, bull takes a few steps and is standing broadside in an opening. I am going back and forth looking at both bulls trying to figure out which provides the better shot and BOOM, she decided, and shot this bull straight through the heart at about 100 yards. He went 40-50 yards and crashed. Great job Zandora!!
  8. I remember the first time my buddy and I stepped foot into this unit we walked up a ridge and found just under 20 sheds on it in two days of prowling around. From that moment on I knew this place was something special and I had a new place to hunt. The better news is that it is in a unit that has about a 50% draw rate so I wouldn't have to play the odds for long. I was fortunate enough to pull the tag this year, second year of putting in for it 1st choice. In my mind, "Any Elk" meant "Any Elk with Antlers" right from the get go. I knew there were bulls in this area and while there are some giants, they are few and far between. I just wanted a bull and knew I had to do some homework to pull it off. My finace' and I hiked into the area this summer to do our little bit of scouting and research. I ranged all my points, getting potential yardages and finding the best vantage points. Finding water sources was key in figuring out patterns and why these bulls did what they did. The area is nothing but a boulder pile with extreme cover and deep pockets, elk paradise. I figured the potential longest shot would be just under 850 yards, better have a gun to handle it. As the hunt was getting closer I decided to utilize a Western Precision Rifle built by Brent Jacob out of southeast AZ. I have been around the rifles for a few years, working with DC Outfitters on their late bull hunts. I knew the capabilities of the guns and I knew they would not let me down if I did in fact end up having to take a long range shot. We did no other scouting besides that one trip in during the summer, either the elk would be there or they would not. I was a bit nervous leading up to the hunt as the weather had been pretty warm and a ranch near there had shut down all hunting for the year, so there was no pressure to push those bulls into their winter range, which this was. The other thing I was paying attention to was the moon, full while I would be there...not really desireable. Despite the fact that this hunt lasts a month, I had to get in early due to work schedules and what not so I was at the mercy of the elk gods on this one. With the hunt starting Friday I decided I would leave home on Wednesday morning, this would give me that evening plus Thursday to do some scouting. On my way in I stopped at an intersection to stretch and I look up and boom!! There is an bull elk bedded in the rd! This is a great sign and after a long day of driving I am pumped to get into the "good stuff" just a ways away. I arrive at about 3:30 pm and hike to the top of a small knoll facing south to glass for the rest of the evening. I see no elk, bummer. But, I did glass a deadhead...it was so late when I spotted it I decided I would get it midday Thursday. Time to get back to camp and get it set up. My hunting buddy showed up that night and we knew where we would be glassing from in the morning and also made it a point to plan our day around the deadhead. We awoke Thursday morning at 4 am and trudged our way through boulders, brush, and cactus to get to our first glassing point. The moon helped light the path and we made it just on time...to glass, and glass, and glass, and see nothing. About 10 am we decided to rim around and see if we could cut any sign in what I thought would be the best area within this range. One track, big..but only one fresh track. We decide at this point to go get the deadhead and head back to camp and regroup. Turns out to be a heck of a deadhead, old heavy 8x6. His right is chewed up but all in all I am jacked to find this. We took turns hauling it back the 3 miles to camp. That is my buddy taking his turn packing it, he is 6'1'', gives you some idea of how big it is. That afternoon we decided to drive down to a spring in a canyon we had glassed from up high. On our way down we notice there are elk tracks in the road so things are looking up. We get to the spring and there are some elk tracks, fresh elk tracks at that. We decided to go a round about way back to the 4 wheeler. We get about 50 yards from the water and sure enough a bull elk jumps out not 10 yds in front us! Perfect, this is what we need. We hastily back our way out of there and hope we didnt disturb it enough to push that elk or any others that might of been there out. We spend the rest of the day checking a few other things out but at this point we know where and how we are going to hunt opening morning the next day. Opening morning, alarm goes off at 3am, time to roll. We have a heck of jaunt up a steep face to get to a bluff overlooking the spring. We get there at 5 am under moonlight and as quietly as possible. We settle in and wait for first light, listening and taking in the majesty of big country under a full moon. First light comes and we are hearing a rock roll under us to the left every so often. Neither of us can get eyes on anything. It starts to get cold, my buddy is shivering like crazy and I am getting frustrated cause we are not seeing anything. Finally, there is an elk...a good elk...a one horned elk! Dangit! Not the one for me. Keep glassing, there has to be more, we hope. 10 minutes go by and sure enough my buddy glasses two bulls under us on the same slope! They are rag horns though, opening morning I can be a little picky! These little bulls head straight for the one horned bull across the canyon. Nothing happens for awhile, we are watching those elk and glassing for others. At one point I am watching the bigger one horned bull and he stops and looks south down the canyon...hmmm. I pan to the left and not a 1/4 mile down here comes two more bulls! Another small 3 pt and a decent 6x7...I try not to get too excited. He is palmated on the right, isnt a monster, but he is a good bull. He is just under 900 yds away when I spot him and they are moving to the other bulls we were watching. We decide to be patient, the elk arent nervous and we are in a great spot to keep watching and hopefully bed them...this gives me time to make up my mind. Shoot a bull on opening day, or try to hold out for a bigger one? This is a limited opp hunt so there aren't supposed to be options like this, especially on the first morning! Well, I decide he is exactly what I am after and I would be proud to harvest him if my rifle functions, if I dont flinch, and if I hit him. He beds at 748 yds, the Western Precision Rifle will have no problems at that range. But, the bush in front of the bull will cause some problems so I have to wait. Well we waited a long time on opening day but I ended up punching him at the 750 yd range and a final round at 300 yds. The rifle performed perfectly and everything came together nicely. It was a great hunt and I am blessed to have great friends and a great fiance' that helped make this all come together. Thanks for taking the time and best of luck in the woods and all your other paths!
  9. muley224

    Wanted: Euro Elk mount

    Looking for a decent elk european mount. 5 by or 6 by preforably. Thanks.
  10. muley224

    2014 Early Rifle Bulls

    A couple of great Bulls taken by 2 friends of mine. AEO guided. Awesome Bulls. 391 and 409. Great job Doug and Rob !!
  11. cvw789

    Elk European Mounts

    Been seeing a lot of big bulls hitting the ground. Let us know if you need a euro mount done.
  12. naturegirl

    Pics of my latest outing

    I was out for a couple days and snapped some pics. I have to say it's nice when someone says "Did you see anything?" and instead of just a "yes" I can show them some of the things I saw. What you don't get to see is another 2 groups of bulls, a buck, turkeys, and a couple coyotes. The bulls all had voracious appetites as it appears they are prepping themselves for battle. I was also treated to a little symphony last night. It sounded like a young bull testing out his vocals, but it was music to my ears and a sound I really look forward to hearing each year. To all with bull tags, you are lucky Check out his left side turkey foot! I really love this picture! I really don't know what I did to deserve her sticking her "tongue" out at me! The antelope pics were taken from my camp on morning number one (there were 2). That's a nice way to start the day! Peek-A-Boo
  13. High Point Outfitters

    NEW ELK VIDEO!!! "The Class Of 2014"

    The HPO team has been out hitting the hills, mountains and flats this summer in preparation for our up coming hunts! Here is a little video of "The Class Of 2014" We also are scouting for deer already and the Arizona results should be out any day! Please give us a call to see what we have to offer for your 2014 tag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmbFPYB64LI&list=UU7Qk3aMvlRDWl9uQwpalbUA
  14. High Point Outfitters

    NEW ELK VIDEO!! "The Class Of 2014"

    The HPO team has been out hitting the hills, mountains and flats this summer in preparation for our up coming hunts! Here is a little video of "The Class Of 2014" We also are scouting for deer already and the Arizona results should be out any day! Please give us a call to see what we have to offer for your 2014 tag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmbFPYB64LI&list=UU7Qk3aMvlRDWl9uQwpalbUA
  15. Elkaddict

    One of the bulls is back!

    Just got back from 2 week vacation. Had house sitters watching the dog and taking care of things. They didn't have any problems with the "lily eating bull", never saw a thing. First morning back with the grandkids and look who's eyeing my flowers again!
  16. Elkaddict

    Find the shed

    Not too hard, find the elk shed. I would say 90% of the sheds I find I glass first. Most of the other 10% are found hiking over to get the ones I glassed. The first pic is the find the shed ( I haven't picked it up, and pretty sure I never will). The second is one I glassed and picked up a couple of weeks ago. How about you guys? Glassing or walking?
  17. Lance

    Velvet Bulls pics

    Thought I would share with you some pictures that our two boys Ty and Weston took this last week. Elk do most of their growing in June so there is a huge difference between the first and the last of the month.
  18. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bull is back

    Sitting on the patio this eve when Hunter starts going berserk, thought he was chasing a bird, squirrel or just his imagination. When I went to take a look all I saw at first where horns above the scrub oaks. Woo Hoo, nice bull!
  19. BowHuntAZ

    What type of plant is this?

    Hoping someone on here knows their plants and deer / elk biology better than I do. I found these plants popping up in large amounts at a couple of areas that I've been keeping an eye on that typicaly holds elk and mule deer. They are spreading like ground cover. Some already have flowers and some haven't sprouted yet. My question is, is this edible for deer or elk, or is it a noxious weed that's not good for an area?
  20. UPDATE: My dad talked with the producer this week and the editing of the show is complete. They are saving this hunt for the season finale and are very excited about how it turned out. I added a picture of the bull that was taken. I still don't want to share any details because I want you to watch the show (it will be available online shortly after it airs). Trust me when I say you won't want to miss it! It is slotted to air Thursday April 24th at 7:00pm AZ time. Thanks guys. My dad and brother were selected to be on Outlander Limited Draw this last year. They had a December rifle bull hunt. They killed one bull and got it all on film for the show. Keep your eyes open for their episode to air in the coming weeks. I believe they are saving it for the final episode. I'm not going to spoil anything but you won't want to miss it!
  21. Elkaddict

    Neighborhood bulls

    Memorial Day bulls at the cabin. The first pic is at my gate.
  22. Few more mounts finished up...... Color Phase San Carlos Bear, wall pedestal mount... Female Bobcat lifesize... Male Bobcat, table pedestal, with snow.... Bugling Elk.... Rio Turkey....
  23. 2013 Matthews Helium (black) QAD HDX arrow rest (blue) Axion sight (black) Axion Stabilizer (black with blue harmonic dampener) Tight Spot Arrow Quiver (black) Matthews Focus grip (black with blue stripe) Harmonic Dapeners (blue) Americas best bow strings (black & blue) This bow is lightly used and in perfect condition Draw length is 29.5 and it's currently set to 70lbs $2000 invested.. Asking $1600 Not in a hurry to sell no low ballers or scammers. Cash in person only!! Open to possible trades either straight across or trade + cash to equal value. Text Josh: 4 8 0 363 3 6 6 4 Thanks for looking!!! More pics available upon request
  24. My son is 14 years old and he just finished up a year of a lifetime!!! (fyi.... previously to 2013 he had only taken 1 Coues deer and an antelope) He started it off on Feb. 3rd 2013 with his 1st javelina that he shot at 100 yards with a 96 year old 6.5x55 Swedish mauser in 36a with close friend Andy Behrens. He then drew the October junior elk tag in 4a, we went up on the Wednesday before his hunt and experienced snow on Thursday. he found a herd on opening morning, so we took off and finally got to 350 yards when the lead cow spotted us. He set up and made the shot, sitting, with the same 308 that his deceased mother and older brother both shot their first and only cow elk with. He was shooting the 155 grain Berger bullets over 44 grains of varget. Thanks to David Broerman for all his guidance. Patrick decided to put in for the unit 33 November junior tag, as it would be cooler, and he thought he would have better chances of drawing. He was correct, we went out on Thursday and set up camp. our close family friend, Pat Romero, arrived later that night. they hiked back into great country and at about 7 am Pat found a good buck. Patrick got to 411 yards of the buck and took him down with Pat's 257 weatherby magnum. The shot was at 8 am. He packed it out with Pat and they got back to camp at noon. We then ate a victory lunch of brats and then went out to try to find Patrick a javelina. he got lucky enough to draw both tags at the same time and same unit. long story short, we found a heard of pigs and he shot one at 101 yards at 4 pm! Patrick had completed a double in a day!!! On November 22, 2013 Patrick Wundrock Shot a 107" Coues whitetail at 8 am only to follow it up with a javelina at 4 pm! Well even though he shot that amazing buck, I sent him down to Mexico with Bobby Boido to the El Tule Ranch, for yet another Coues deer. I could not go because I had other commitments. Patrick said it was a very tough hunt, and on the 2nd to last day, January 23, 2014 he shot a very nice deer that we estimate at 95" with Bobby's 300 WSM at 300 yards. Patrick really enjoyed himself and even found a WHITE JAVELINA!!! Needless to say Patrick had a fantastic year, he knows it, and will probably try for the rest of his life to surpass it! full stories have been added to the end of post.
  25. I just wanted to share some footage my friend Clifford and I took here in AZ in 2013. It was our first year of filming and learned a lot. Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry couldn't link.