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Now What . . .

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Thought I ended my pig-less streak yesterday with a 62 yd shot. The hit was back but I could see a gaping hole on the exit side and internal organs were now external. We gave it a little time but I figured that pig would be dead soon after or at the very lest mostly immobilized.


Started the blood trail and it was easy to follow. About 150 yds into the trail I could see it get up and move through the brush in front of me. When I went up to where it had been, the blood trail lead to here . . .




So here is my question, what would you guys have done?

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Javelina are the toughest of all big game. they are like tiny little mike tysons running around the desert.


I don't eff with them anymore.

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Javelina are the toughest of all big game. they are like tiny little mike tysons running around the desert.

I don't eff with them anymore.

They are not tougher than any other animals. They are small animals with small vitals. Thats what makes them hard to kill.


To the op questions, I would craw in with an fixed blade arrow in my hand and a head light. finish off and drag him out.



What did you do?

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Javelina are the toughest of all big game. they are like tiny little mike tysons running around the desert.

I don't eff with them anymore.

They are not tougher than any other animals. They are small animals with small vitals. Thats what makes them hard to kill.


To the op questions, I would craw in with an fixed blade arrow in my hand and a head light. finish off and drag him out.



What did you do?


I would pay good money to see you crawl into that cave with an arrow and stab that wounded pig. haha. The video would be priceless.

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We have taken a century plant stalk,and taped an arrow on with a flashlight on behind it to see,and recovered several.After dispatching use a piece of rope,loop their foot,and drag out.It's all part of the hunt.

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Wow! Get a good flashlight and see if you can see him in there. If it goes really far in there he could expirevwsy back in there. But be ready cause from all the sign I see in front of it he he not the only pig that goes in that cave. If nothing else he led you to a honey hole from the looks of it.

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I know guys who have used fire to try and get them out. Honestly I would consider finishing it with a pistol to end its suffering if I couldn't arrow it again. That is just me.

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Flashlight and then start crawling. Make sure to have a knife in your mouth.

Been there and done that. Cave was bigger though where I could almost stand up. Be prepared for a pissed off pig.

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I would go in there with a headlamp, and 22 pistol. Shoot it, snitch myself off to AZGFD, get a ticket then post on here about how I got screwed by the man

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Not sure from your picture, but most of the pig caves I know about aren’t that deep. I’d fetch a really bright flashlight and someone to hold it for me then try to shoot him out of there (with the bow of course, I’m not self reporting jack poop). If you can’t see it in there, make a spear and go in after him or go find yourself another pig. You wouldn’t be the only one who failed to recover one. My conscience doesn’t require me to engage in hand to hand combat with wild animals, it just requires me to make my best effort then get on with my life.

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Just fyi a arrow in hand is not a great defense!!! Especially If that arrow is carbon. L.O.L. a angry wounded Javelina will chew that arrow right up to your arm and keep going! I have had wounded Javelina latch onto me and it was not something I wanna repeat.


Bright flashlight. Head lamp. Noise like a caller. Do some things to see if he pops at ya BUT THIS IS STILL NO GUARANTEE IT IS DEAD. I would figure out a way to get'r done of it was me but since,in not there in your shoes I am certainly not gonna tell you the best approach! Except I would howeverbtry few things 1st to see if I got a response from him.


Good luck and God Bless! Hope you still have all your blood later today

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